Page 228 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 228

History                                     students/ parents                                       Law.  Cite  the
                                                                       at the Campus.                                          propriety rights of
                                                                                                                               the  heirs  of  the
                                                                                                                               pursuable  under
                                                                                                                               the         rights
                7-8    After the completion  III.   “One past but      1.  Lecture/       Distance      Laptop/            1.  2-page  Editorial  October
                       of the chapter,              many                  discussion      Mode          Smartphone             Writing     about  25, 2020
                       students will:               histories”         2.  Document                                            whether Dr. Jose
                        1.  Develop critical        controversies         analysis        Lectures      Reference Book         P. Rizal retracted
                           and  analytical          and conflicting    3.  Debate         will be                              or not?
                           skills      with         views in                              posted in     Online reference
                           exposure      to         Philippine         For students       Google        (https://journals.  2.  2-page   Critical
                           primary                  History.           without internet   classroom.       Analysis       on
                           source.                 a.  Site of First   connection:                      udhi/article/view/     Covid-19
                        2.  be   able    to            Mass            Printed handouts/                582/579)               whether    it   is
                           demonstrate             b.  Cavite Mutiny  lectures can be                                          man-made       or
                           the  ability  to        c.  Retraction of   picked- up by the                (      natural?
                           formulate                   Rizal           students/ parents                .ph/about-
                           arguments     in        d.  Cry of          at the Campus.                   culture-and-      Note:
                           favor         or            Balintawak                                       arts/in-
                           against       a                                                              focus/balintawak  Rubrics    for   each
                           particular issue                                                             -the-cry-for-a-   activity  will  be  posted
                           using  primary                                                               nationwide-       in     the      google
                           source.                                                                      revolution/       classroom.

                                                                      MIDTERM EXAMINATION
                                                                 Written Examination via Google Forms
                10-    After the completion  IV.    Social,            1.  Document       Distance      Laptop/               1.  3 minutes’       Novem
                 15    of the chapter,              political,            analysis        Mode          Smartphone                infomercial      ber 13,
                       students will be             economic and       2.  Group                                                  about the         2020
                       able to:                     cultural issues       presentation    Lectures      Reference Book            plight of

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