Page 229 - BSIT Course Syllabus (First Sem 2020-2021)
P. 229

1.  Effectively             in Philippine                         will be                                 Filipino
                           communicate,             History            For students       posted in     Online                    Farmers
                           using various           1.  Agrarian        without internet   Google        reference:                during
                           techniques and              Reform          connection:        classroom.    (https://www.dar.         Covid19
                           genres,                     Policies in the  Printed handouts/                  pandemic
                           historical                  Philippines     lectures can be                  us/agrarian-          2.  Prepare and
                           analysis of a          2. The Philippine    picked-up by the                 reform-history/)          present a
                           particular event          Constitution      students/ parents                                          Group Made
                           or issue that            -  1899            at the Campus.                   http://constitutio        Constitution
                           could help                  (Malolos)                                Note:
                           others                   -  1935                                             /constitutional-
                           understand the              Constitution                                     history-           3.  Rubrics  for  each
                           chosen topic.            -  1973                                                                    activity  will  be
                                                       Constitution                                     philippines            posted   in   the
                                                    -  1987                                                                    google
                                                       Constitution                                     Learning               classroom.

                16-    After the completion  V.     Critical              1.  Lecture-    Distance      Laptop/                                   January
                 17    of the chapter,              Evaluation and            discussio   Mode          Smartphone            1.  Promote         14, 2021
                       students will                promotion of              n                                                   Historical  and
                       be able to:                  Local and Oral        2.  Power       Lectures      Reference Book            Cultural
                           1.  Manifest             History                   point       will be                                 Shrines  in  the
                              interest in       1.  Museums                   presentati  posted in     Learning                  country
                              local history     2.  Historical                on          Google        Module                    through      3
                              and show              shrines            For students       classroom.                              minutes’ Vlog.
                              concern in         3. Cultural           without internet
                              promoting             performances       connection:                                            2.  Comparative
                              and                4. Indigenous         Printed handouts/                                          Analysis    of
                              preserving            practices          lectures can be                                            different
                              the                5. Religious rights   picked- up by the                                          Religious
                              country's             and rituals        students/ parents                                          practices   in
                              historical                               at the Campus.                                             the Philippines
                              and cultural
                              heritage.                                                                                   Note:

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