Page 26 - Area III PPP
P. 26


               II. IMPLEMENTATION

                   ➢  Evaluation measures used to ensure that the students’ performance
                       meet expected outcomes.

                                      Evaluation Measures                   Subject Where Used
                                  Paper and pencil test                All subjects
                                  Oral report                          DICT 60 and DCEE 28

                                  Research project                     ITEC 200 A and B

                   ➢  There  is  a  system  of  validating  and/or  improving  tests  and  other
                       evaluation instruments.

                              The  system  of  evaluating  student  performance  is  revised  or
                              improved once there is a revision in the course syllabus.

                                                      Department                           Campus
                       Faculty                        Chairperson                       Administrator

                       1.  The faculty develops test items and other evaluation instruments to
                          evaluate student performance.

                       2.  Tests and other evaluation instruments are then forwarded to the
                          Department Chairperson for review.

                       3.  The tests and other evaluation instruments are revised based on
                          the  suggestions  and  recommendations  made  by  the  department

                       4.  The  department  chairperson  endorses  the  tests  and  other
                          evaluation  instruments  to  the  campus  administrator  for  final

                      Area III: Curriculum and Instruction
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