Page 81 - BSIT Template AREA IX PPP ver. 3
P. 81
➢ List all Functional locally-improvised apparatuses.
Name of Fabricator/s
Apparatus Brief Description Purpose/ Function Where it
is Used
Game Buzzer An Arduino-based six- Game buzzer is use for Lecture Royland Cruz
player game buzzer with class/seminar game Subjects
reset button. activities
Conductor It is a device with LED Using this device, students Physics II: Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
Detector light and buzzer. It is used will be able to understand Waves,
to detect conductor the conductivity of solids Electroma
materials by touching its and solutions, distinguish gnetism,
two probes to solid or whether a material is Sound and
liquid materials. It will light insulator or conductor and Light
and buzz if probes are identify the electrical
touching conductors such conductivity of certain
as metals and water and solutions.
remain idle if touching
insulator materials.
Conductivity Conductivity meter is a Using this device, students Physics II: Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
Meter device that measures of will learn the various Waves,
conductivity of solutions. It conductivity levels of Electroma
is made up of an electrical solutions, distinguish the gnetism,
plug with built-in wire and good and bad conductor Sound and
an improvised water proof solutions and associate Light
thermometer. Using this the relationship of
device electrical temperature and electrical
conductivity, ppm and conductivity.
temperature of solution
can be measured. Solution
to be tested in this activity
are tap water, distilled,
sugar solution, and salt
Electromagnet This is a device that has Using this device, learners Physics II: Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
ic Field Force five pairs of different will be able to identify the Waves,
Detector colors LEDs and an nature of electromagnetic Electroma
antenna. The LEDs will force, discover the gnetism,
light up according to the electromagnetic force Sound and
intensity of the magnetic phenomenon in electrified Light
field detected. Colors materials/bodies, and
white, blue, green, yellow, associate the relationship
and red are the colors of of electricity and
the LEDs. When the magnetism.
electromagnetic field is
detected as weak, cold
colors will light up and if
the electromagnetic field is
stronger, warm color LEDs
will also light up.
Area IX: Laboratories