Page 83 - BSIT Template AREA IX PPP ver. 3
P. 83


                 Sound         This device switch     Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Activated     electrical system on and   will be exposed to the   Waves,
                 Switch        off by receiving command   existence of sounds.   Electroma
                               via clap sound. The sound                      gnetism,
                               received from clapping will                    Sound and
                               signal to the sound sensor                     Light
                               to overwrite the current
                               state of the electrical
                               system by activating and
                               deactivating the relay
                 Sound         An Arduino microcontroller   Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Visualizer    as a sound visualizer.   will be able to relate the   Waves,
                               Through the use of an   intensity and volume of   Electroma
                               attached sound sensor,   sound to the response to   gnetism,
                               the sound energy will be   certain audio music.    Sound and
                               quantified into digital value                  Light
                               and reflected in the
                               intensity/volume of the
                               sound into lined LED
                 Mini Piano    A 8-note 8-button      Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                               minipiano in which     can understand the      Waves,
                               students can play music   relationship between the   Electroma
                               pieces.  Each button has   frequency, note and hertz.   gnetism,
                               corresponding hertz value                      Sound and
                               and note equivalent. When                      Light
                               pressed, the speaker will
                               sound in tune of the
                               corresponding note.
                 Sound         An Arduino-based SONAR   Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Navigation    System                 will be able to compute the   Waves,
                 Ranging                              speed of sound in relation   Electroma
                 System                               with distance and time of   gnetism,
                                                      travel of ultrasonic sound   Sound and
                                                      coming to and forth from a   Light
                                                      given block.
                 Radio         It is a detection system   Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Detection and   that uses radio waves to   will be able to construct   Waves,
                 Ranging       determine the range,   RADAR using an Arduino   Electroma
                 System        angle and velocity of an   Microcontroller and   gnetism,
                               object.                Processing application.   Sound and
                 Lux Meter     It is a measuring device   In this activity, students   Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                               that displays light intensity   can quantify light   Waves,
                               in lux.                brightness and associate   Electroma
                                                      the distance of device to   gnetism,
                                                      light source and lux value.   Sound and
                 Automatic     It is an electrical system   Using this device,students   Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Light Activated   with a light dependent   will observe the light as   Waves,
                 Lamp          resistor or LDR sensor   energy and as quantifiable   Electroma
                               and load. In this system,   power which can be used   gnetism,
                               load is automatically   for automation.

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