Page 84 - BSIT Template AREA IX PPP ver. 3
P. 84


                               turned on when LDR                             Sound and
                               senses less light and                          Light
                               turned off the system if the
                               sensor detects more light
                 Color Mixer   This device demonstrates   Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                               the additive color theory    will be able to mix color   Waves,
                                                      intensity of red, green, and   Electroma
                                                      blue to create other colors,   gnetism,
                                                      associate color wheel   Sound and
                                                      theory in actual light color   Light
                                                      emission and program the
                                                      device with binary code to
                                                      manipulate color tone.
                 Infrared Light   An Arduino-based remote-  Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Transceiver   control light system using   will be oriented about the   Waves,
                               infrared light         invisible light to the human   Electroma
                                                      eye, observe its nature   gnetism,
                                                      and use it to control an   Sound and
                                                      electrical system.      Light
                 Passive       It is a device that detects   Using this device, students  Physics II:   Mr. Keno A. Villavicencio
                 Infrared -    infrared light radiating from  will be able to apply the   Waves,
                 based Motion   thermal bodies in its fields   passive infrared light into a  Electroma
                 Detector      of view and will turn on the   system, distinguish the   gnetism,
                               electrical system for a   thermal bodies and   Sound and
                               given time. It can be   differentiate the passive   Light
                               applied by the students to   and active infrared lights.
                               create a security alarm
                               system or automatic
                               lighting system.
                 Metal and     An Arduino-based       The metal and plastic   Capstone   Ms. Bridget Nicole C. Rein
                 Plastic Buying   automatic weighing device   buying machine was   Project   Ms. Reychelle mae E.
                 Machine       for metal and plastics with   mainly developed to help   and   Cacas
                               LCD display showing the   junk shops make the   Introductio
                               weight and corresponding   transactions easier and   n to
                               price of weighed materials.  faster.           Computing
                 Automated     An Arduino-based       For more secured cabinet   Capstone   Ms. Donna M. Cordero
                 Locker System   Automated Locker System   for keeping personal   Project   Ms. Cindy A. Laurio
                               actuated by Radio-     things.                 and
                               Frequency Identification                       Introductio
                               Card and Bluetooth                             n to
                               Technology                                     Computing
                 Home          Home appliance         Control electrical      Capstone   Mr. Neil Mark N. Agapito
                 Appliance     automation using Arduino   appliance via text and   Project   Mr. Jose Nerwin F. Bañez
                 Automation    microcontroller with global   Bluetooth mobile app   and
                               system for mobile                              Introductio
                               communication (GSM) and                        n to
                               Bluetooth via android                          Computing
                 Generic Multi-  The generic multiprobe   Test the quality of water   Capstone   Mr. Mark Ivan U. Jagodilla
                 Probe Water   water meter was                                Project    Mr. Lester John G. Pindot
                 Meter         developed to help                              and
                               residential areas without                      Introductio
                               adequate water supply

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