Page 85 - BSIT Template AREA IX PPP ver. 3
P. 85
and other barangay’s n to
specially to those far or Computing
reach that still uses
artesian wells and
RFID-based The radio-frequency Control the electrical Capstone Mr. Drumjar B. Guarin
Smart Outlet identification (RFID) based system plugged into Project Mr. Orville T. Tan
using Arduino smart outlet using Arduino sockets and
for Cavite was developed for Cavite Introductio
State State University – Trece n to
University Martires City Campus Computing
Trece Martires conservation of electric
City Campus energy
Mobile-based The mobile-based luggage To add more features for Capstone Ms. Jackelyn G. Bargaso
Luggage security system uses security of handling Project Ms. Jessa R. Pradilla
Security Arduino microcontroller baggage and
System with Bluetooth module that Introductio
is connected to an android n to
application with mobile Computing
fingerprint scanner was
mainly developed to make
the luggage packed with
better security.
Area IX: Laboratories