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Circulation in Computer Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp: (1-5), May 2018

            overall  mean  of  3.79  shows  that  the  respondents  agree  in   [4]  Chahal,  M.  .(2016).  Social  commerce:  How  willing  are
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            relationship  to  the  factors  in  terms  of  in  age  and  sex.  In
            addition, result shows that female respondents have moderate   commerce-how-willing-are-consumers-to-buy-through-
            correlation  to  the  factors  and  aged  20  and  below  has  low   social-media/
            correlation.  The  result  of  the  study  could  be  the  basis  for
            future researches related to social commerce and students in a   [5] Cummings,  C.  (2015).  Infographic:  How  Your  Age
            State University.                                       Affects What You Share on Social Media Retrieved from
            6.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                    how-your-age-affects-what-you-share-social-media-
            Our  thanks  to  Cavite  State  University-Trece  Martires  City   166878/
            Campus, Trece Martires City, Cavite, Philippines  and AMA   [6]  Channeladvisor.  (2017).  Selling  in  the  Age  of  Social
            University,  Quezon  City,  Philippines  for  providing  us  the   Commerce. Channeladvisor Corporation.
            necessary documents and data.
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            7.  REFERENCES                                          Reasoning about naming systems
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            CCS | 2018 | ISSN 2456-3692                                                                     5
            Published by: CSL Press, USA
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