Page 21 - Development of a Language Translator from English to Waray
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Circulation in Computer Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp: (1-5), May 2018

            2.  RELATED LITERATURE                               Table 1. Companies and brands most liked by millennials
                                                                                  on Facebook
            2.1. Social Commerce
                                                                  2013             2014              2016
            Social  commerce  is  the  used  of  social  media  to  extend  e-  Nike   Bike          Nike
            commerce. The used of online media to buy and sell products   Apple   Apple             Sephora
            and  services  in  the  Internet.  It  encapsulates  different   Target   Amazon        Disney
            technologies  and  aspects.  Further,  the  principle  of  social
            commerce  involved  return  of  investment,  reputation  and   Starbucks   Target        Apple
            reach. The categories to social commerce includes the social   Forever 21   Dunkin’ Donuts/Forever 21   Buzzfeed/
            network driven sales, peer  to peer sales, group buying, peer                        Victoria’s Secret
            recommendations,  user-curated   shopping,   participatory
            commerce  and  social  shopping. Return of  investment,  reach   Student in a University revealed that they feel the closeness,
            and reputation is part of its advantage (Anderson, Sims, Price   and familiarity among the social network friends. They trust
            and Brusa, 2011).                                   social  network  friends  and  they  enjoy  in  involving  social
                                                                commerce  activities.  They  are  committed  to  the  social
            Learning  from  forums,  communities,  ratings  and  reviews   network  community  and  they  feel  the  social  presence  on
            create a vital  importance in social commerce. These aspects   social network. They have the high level of purchase intention
            could be the focus for more social commerce exposures and   and of course they have already purchased products based on
            techniques to have a larger volume of return of investments   the  information  and  recommendations  available  on  social
            (Che,  Lu  and  Wang,  2017).  In  addition,  elements  of  social   network (Razi, Tamrin and Hussin, 2017).
            commerce are reciprocity, community, social proof, authority,   2.3  Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
            liking, and scarcity.
                                                                of Technology (UTAUT)
            2.2 Millennials on Social Commerce                  Research  on  individual  acceptance  and  use  of  information
            Millennials are people born in late 1980 to early 2000. They   technology  (IT)  is  one  of  the  most  established  and  mature
            are now the driving force of social commerce. The 35 percent   streams  of  information  systems  (IS)  research  (Venkatesh,
            of  millennials  used  the  “buy”  button  on  Facebook  and  24   Davis, & Morris, 2007). There is also research on technology
            percent on other social media platforms. It is Facebook as the   adoption  by  groups  and  organizations  (e.g.,  Sarker  &
            most popular of those platforms. Also, that 48 percent of them   Valacich, 2010; Sarker, Valacich, & Sarker, 2005; Sia, Lee,
            use  smart  phones  and  21  percent  use  tablets  to  purchase   Teo, & Wei, 2001; Sia, Teo, Tan, & Wei, 2004) that holds the
            online. The most purchased online are products in hair, and   premise that one must first use a technology before one can
            beauty and apparel (Barnes and Lescault, 2018).     achieve desired outcomes, such as improvement in employee
                                                                productivity and task/job performance in organizations.

                                                                             Fig 2: The UTAUT model
                                                                Considering  the  historical  development  of  this  theories  and
                                                                various researchers observation the most elaborated theory is
                                                                Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology which
                                                                outlines 4 key constructs (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis & Davis,
                                                                • Performance expectancy – the degree to which an individual
                                                                 believes that using the system will help him or her to attain
                                                                 gains in job performance
                                                                • Effort expectancy – the degree of ease associated with the
                                                                 use of the system • Social influence – the degree to which an
                                                                 individual perceives that important others believe he or she
                                                                 should  use  the  new  system  •  Facilitating  conditions  –  the
                                                                 degree to which an individual believes that an organizational
                 Fig 1: Motivation for social media engagement
                                                                 and  technical  infrastructure  exists  to  support  use  of  the

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