Page 22 - Development of a Language Translator from English to Waray
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Circulation in Computer Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp: (1-5), May 2018

            3.  METHODOLOGY                                     Table 2 shows that majority of the respondents is 20 years old
            3.1 Research Design                                 and  below  with  74  percentage.  Twenty  three  percent  of  the
                                                                respondents is in 21 to 30 years old and three percent is 31 to
            The  descriptive  research  design  was  used  in  this  study  to   40 years old. However, since respondents are college students,
            gather  the  information  regarding  the  factors  affecting  social   ages 41-50, 51-60 and 61 above has no percentages.
            commerce acceptance in a state university in the Philippines.
            The  study  used  survey  type  questionnaire  and  adapted  the   4.1.2 Characteristics of Participants in terms of
            factors  from  User  Acceptance  of  Technology:  Towards
            Unified View (2013).                                      sex
            3.2 Hypothesis                                         Table 3. Characteristics of students in terms of sex
            Null  hypothesis  state  that  there  is  no  significant  difference   Sex   Frequency   Percentage
            between  the  characteristics  and  the  factors  affecting  social   Female   47        53
            commerce acceptance of students in a State University in the   Male      53              47
            Philippines.                                            Total           100              100

            3.4 Sources of Data                                 In terms of sex, Table 3 shows that most of the respondents
            The primary data was obtained through survey questionnaire   are female with 53 percent while male respondents with 47
            adopted from the  User  Acceptance of  Technology:  Towards   percent.
            Unified  View  (2013).  The  questionnaire  was  used  to
            determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms   4.2 Factors Affecting Social Commerce
            of  age  and  sex  and  factors  affecting  social  commerce   Acceptance
            acceptance of students in a State University.
                                                                The four key constructs used in the study were performance
            3.3  Participants  and  Sampling  Techniques        expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitation
            of the Study                                        conditions.

            The  participants  of  the  study  were  the  100  students  from   4.2.1 Performance Expectancy
            Cavite State University-Trece Martires City Campus, Cavite,
            Philippines.  The  students  are  composed  of  BS  Information
            Technology and BS Business Management students and quota   Table 4. Mean score of students’ performance expectancy
            sampling was used in selecting the participants.
                                                                   Performance Expectancy   Mean     Verbal
            3.4 Data to be gathered                                                               Interpretation
            The purpose of the study is to determine the characteristics of   1.  I would find the system
            the students in a State University in the Philippines in terms of   useful in my task
            age  and  sex  and  determine  the  relationship  to  the  factors              3.59      Agree
            affecting social commerce acceptance.               2.   Using the system enables me
                                                                    to accomplish tasks more
            3.5 Data Analysis                                       quickly.
            Descriptive  statistics  was  used  such  as  frequency  count,                 3.64      Agree
            percentage  and  mean  to  determine  the  characteristics  of  the   3.  Using the system increases
            participants and factors affecting social commerce acceptance.   my productivity.
            Pearson correlation was used to find the relationship between                   3.64      Agree
            the  characteristics  and  factors  affecting  social  commerce   4.  If I use the system, I will
            acceptance of students in a State University.           increase my chances of
                                                                    getting a raise.
            4.  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      3.60      Agree
            4.1 Characteristics of Participants                            Mean             3.62      Agree
            The characteristics of the participants are determined through
            age and sex. Tables 2 and 3 shows the result of the study in
            terms of sex and age.                               Table  4  shows  the  mean  score  of  students  in  terms  of
                                                                performance expectancy of 3.62 which interpreted as “Agree”.
            4.1.1 Characteristics of Participants in terms of   The  result  implies  that  “Using  the  system  enables  me  to
                 age                                            accomplish  task”  and  “Using  the  system  increases  my
                                                                productivity”  has  the  highest  mean  of  3.64.  However,  “I
               Table 2. Characteristics of students in term of age   would find the system useful in my task” has the lowest mean
                                                                of 3.59 but still with verbal interpretation as “Agree”.
                Age          Frequency       Percentage         4.2.2 Effort Expectancy
             20 & below         74               74
                21-30           23               23                Table 5. Mean score of students’ effort expectancy
                31-40           3                3
                41-50           0                0                    Effort Expectancy     Mean     Verbal
                51-60           0                0                                                Interpretation
             61 & above         0                0              1.  My interaction with the           Agree
                Total           100             100                 system would be clear and
                                                                    understandable.         4.19
                                                                2.   It would be easy for me to   4.15   Agree

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