Page 23 - Development of a Language Translator from English to Waray
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Circulation in Computer Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp: (1-5), May 2018

               become skillful at using the                     4.2.5 Overall mean of factors affecting social
               system.                                          commerce
            3.   I would find the system easy    Agree
               to use.                  4.18                      Table 8. Overall mean score of factors affecting social
            4.  Learning to operate the          Agree                    commerce acceptance of students
               system is easy for me.   4.32
                      Mean              4.21     Agree                 Factors         Mean      Interpretation
                                                                Performance Expectancy   3.62       Agree
            Table 5 shows the mean score of students in terms of effort   Effort Expectancy   4.21   Agree
            expectancy  of  4.21  with  verbal  interpretation  as  “Agree”.
            “Learning  to  operate  the  system  is  easy  for  me”  has  the   Social Influence   3.76   Agree
            highest mean of 4.32 and “It would be easy for me to become   Facilitating Conditions   3.56   Agree
            skillful  at  using  the  system”  has  lowest  mean  but  both   Mean      3.79        Agree
            interpreted as “Agree”.
                                                                Table  8  shows  the  overall  mean  score  of  factors  affecting
            4.2.3 Social Influence                              social commerce acceptance of students in a State University.
                                                                Performance  expectancy  is  3.62,  effort  expectancy  is  4.21,
                Table 6. Mean score of students’ social influence   social influence is 3.76 and facilitating conditions is 3.56, all
                  Social Influence     Mean      Verbal         factors has verbal interpretation as “Agree”.
            1.  People who influence my                         4.3.Relationship between sex and factors
               behavior think that I should      Agree              affecting social commerce acceptance
               use the system.          3.69
            2.  People who are important to                       Table 9. Relationship between sex and factors affecting
               me think that I should use the    Agree                      social commerce acceptance
               system.                  3.69
            3.  The senior management of                                     CORRELATION       SIGNIFICANCE
               this business has been helpful    Agree          Female          0.411184          Moderate
               in the use of the system.   3.78
            4.  In general, the organization                    Male            0.215309            Low

               has supported the use of the      Agree
               system.                  3.90                    Table  9  shows  the  relationship  between  sex  and  factors
                                                                affecting social commerce acceptance. Male respondents have
                      Mean              3.76     Agree          low  significance  and  female  respondents  with  moderate
                                                                significance.  Result  implies  that  female  respondents  has
            Table 6 shows the mean score of students in terms of social   significant  relationship  to  the  factors  affecting  social
            influence  has  a  mean  of  3.76  with  verbal  interpretation  as   commerce acceptance of students in a State University.
            “Agree”. “In general, the organization has supported the use
            of the system” has the highest mean of 3.90 and interpreted as   4.4.Relationship between sex and factors
            “Agree”. However, “People who influence my behavior think
            that I should use the system” and “People who are important   affecting social commerce acceptance
            to me think that I should use the system” has lowest mean of
            3.69 but still “Agree” as construed.                 Table 10. Relationship between age and factors affecting
                                                                            social commerce acceptance
            4.2.4 Facilitating Conditions
                                                                               PEARSON         SIGNIFICANCE
             Table 7. Mean score of students’ facilitating conditions       CORRELATION
                                                                20 & below      0.215664            Low
                Facilitating Conditions   Mean   Verbal         21-30           0.014173         Negligible
                                              Interpretation    31-40           0.188982         Negligible
            1.  I have the resources necessary
               to use the system.                               Table 10 shows the relationship between age and the factors
                                        3.86     Agree          affecting  social  commerce  acceptance  of  students.  Ages  20
            2.  I have the knowledge                            and below has low signification correlation. However, 21-30
               necessary to use the system.   3.65   Agree      and 41 above years of age has no correlation to the factors.
            3.  The system is not compatible                    Result  implies  that  respondents  aged  20  and  below  has
               with other systems I use.   3.23   Agree         significant relationship to the factors.
            4.  A specific person (or group)
               is available for assistance                      5.  CONCLUSION
               with the system difficulties.   3.50   Agree     The  study  determined  that  there  is  significant  relationship
                      Mean              3.56     Agree          between sex and age to the factors affecting social commerce
                                                                acceptance of students in a State University in the Philippines.
            Table  7  shows  the  mean  score  of  students  in  terms  of   Fifty  three  percent  of  the  respondents  are  female,  and  forty
            facilitating  condition  of  3.76  with  verbal  interpretation  as
            “Agree”. “I have the resources necessary to use the system”   seven percent are male. In terms of age, 20 years and below
                                                                has seventy  four percent  of the respondents and aged 21-30
            has  the  highest  mean  of  3.86  and  interpreted  as  “Agree”.   has 23 percent. The used of User Acceptance of Technology:
            However, “The system is not compatible with other systems I
            use” has lowest mean of 3.23 but still interpreted as “Agree”.   Towards  Unified  View,  determine  the  factors  of  the  social
                                                                commerce acceptance of students in a State University. The

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