Page 124 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 124

2.  Explain  the  basic  principles  and  fundamentals  of  Python
                        programming                                                    E      E      E      E       E      E      D        D       D
                    3.  Create  a  program  using  DOS,  Python  IDLE,  Anaconda,  and   E    E      E      D      D       D      D        D       D
                        Pycharm IDE
                    4.  Create  a  program  from  the  basic  to  GUI  programming,  Network
                        programming, and database connectivity                         D      E      D      D       I      I       I       I       D
                    5.  Explain the difference of Python with other programming languages   D   E    D      D       E      E      E        E       D
                        and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using it
                        *Level :          I-Introductory         E- Enabling           D-Demonstrative
                                                                          COURSE COVERAGE
                    No. of                                                                  Teaching and
                    Hours      Intended Learning Outcomes             Topic              Learning Activities   Resources Needed       Outcomes-based
                 Lec    Lab               (ILO)                                                 (TLA)                                Assessment (OBA)
                               After the completion of the   I. Mission, Goals and
                               chapter, students should     Objectives
                                be able to:
                               1.Understand the mission,    Gender and Development                              CvSU Orientation
                               goals, and objectives of the                                                         Materials
                  2            university.                  Program Educational           Class Orientation                              Recitation
                               2. Understand gender and     Objectives and Program                                GAD Materials
                               development programs         Outcomes

                                                            Course Syllabus

                               After the completion of the
                               chapter, students should     II. Python Programming
                                be able to:                 Basics                             Lecture             Powerpoint
                               1. Understand the basics of   2.1 Installing Python                                 presentation
                               Python programming           2.1 What is Python                                                         Lecture Activity
                               2. Learn the background of   2.2 IDLE                         Discussion           Programming
                               python                       2.3 Background                                      Language software
                  2      6
                               3. Utilize the Python IDLE   2.3 A first program
                               4. Learn the basic syntax in   2.4 input/ output             Demonstration                            Laboratory Activity
                               Python                       2.5 Printing
                                                            2.6 Variables
                                                                                         Individual Laboratory
                                                            Laboratory Activity#1:            Exercise

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