Page 128 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 128

C. Encapsulation             8.7 Abstraction                 Demonstration
                               D. Abstraction                                                                    White board and
                                                            Program that uses                                         pen
                                                            Inheritance and
                                                            polymorphism in Python

                                                            Program that uses
                                                            Encapsulation and
                                                            Abstraction in Python IDLE

                               After the completion of the   IX. Graphics
                               chapter, students should     9.1 GUI Programming with         Discussion
                                be able to:                 Tkinter                                                Powerpoint       Lecture Activity/ Quiz
                               1. Learn the graphics in Python       9.1.1 Basics                                 presentation
                               using TKinter function through        9.1.2 Labels        Individual laboratory
                               PyCharm IDE                       9.1.3 Grid                    activity
                               2. Create a program that          9.1.4 Entry boxes                                Programming        Laboratory Activities
                               outputs graphical interface        9.1.5 Global variables                        Language software
                               3. discuss the use of each   9.2 GUI Programming II          Demonstration
                               buttons, bars, frames, etc.        9.2.1 Frames                                   White board and
                                                                 9.2.2 Colors                                                           Assignment
                                                                 9.2.3 Images                 Reflection              pen
                                                                 9.2.4 Canvases
                  8      12
                                                                 16.2.5 Check buttons
                                                            and         radio button        Audio/ Video
                                                                 16.2.6 Text widget          Presentation
                                                                 16.2.7 Scale widget
                                                                 16.2.8 GUI events
                                                            16.3 GUI Programming III
                                                                 16.3.1 Title bar
                                                                 16.3.2 Disabling things
                                                                 16.3.3 Message boxes
                                                                 16.3.4 Destroying things
                                                                 16.3.5 Updating
                                                                 16.3.6 Dialogs
                                                                 16.3.7 Menu bars

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