Page 126 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 126

Create a program that uses
                                                             the mathematical functions
                                                                     in Python

                                                            Create a program that uses
                                                            mathematical function in

                               After the completion of the   V. Strings
                               chapter, students should     5.1 Concatenation and            Discussion            PowerPoint          Lecture Activity
                                be able to:                 repetition                                            presentation
                               1. Learn the concatenation and  5.2 The in operator       Question and Answer
                               repetition in python         5.3 Indexing                                                             Laboratory Activity
                               Discuss the indexing, slicing   5.4 Slices                                         Programming
                               and string methods           5.5 Looping                    Group laboratory     Language software
                               2. Use strings concatenation   5.6 String methods               activity                                 Assignment
                               and slices                   5.7 Escape characters                                White board and
                               3. Learn lists, set, and tuples in                           Demonstration
                  2    6                                                                                              pen
                                                            LaboratoryActivity#5:            Assignment
                                                            Program that uses strings in
                                                            Python IDLE

                                                            Create a program that uses
                                                            dictionary in python

                               After the completion of the   VI. Dictionaries and File
                               chapter, students should     handling                         Discussion                                Lecture Activity
                                be able to:                 6.1 Dictionaries                                       Powerpoint
                               1. discuss the use of dictionary        6.1.1 Working with
                  4      3     in python                    Dictionary                     Group laboratory       presentation        LaboratoryActivity
                               2. learn the input/ output        6.1.2 Counting words          activity
                               process in python            6.2 Text files                                        Programming
                               3. learn how the modules and         6.2.1 Reading from files   Demonstration    Language software
                               functions work                     6.2.2 Writing to files                                                Assignment

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