Page 20 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 20

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
                             Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course                                        Program Outcomes Code
                         After completing this course, the students must be able to:     a       b       c      d       e       f      g       h       i
                    1.  disseminate the vision, and mission of the University, goals, and
                        objectives of the College, and Department.                        I      I       D      E       D       I      E       I       I
                    2.  Choose, implement and evaluate the appropriate data structures and   D   E       E      E       I       E      D       D      D
                        algorithms of specific programming problems.
                    3.  Use and manage memory effectively in data presentation           D       E       E      E       I       E      D       D      D
                        *Level :          I-Introductory         E- Enabling           D-Demonstrative
                                                                           COURSE COVERAGE
                 No. of Hours      Intended Learning                   Topic              Teaching and Learning    Resources Needed      Outcomes-based
                 Lec    Lab         Outcomes (ILO)                                            Activities (TLA)                          Assessment (OBA)
                               After the completion of the   I. Introduction                  Class Orientation      GAD Materials         Recitation of
                               chapter, students should    1. Mission, Goals and Objectives                                              Mission, Vision of
                                be able to:                2. The importance of the subject      Reflection        Students’ Handbook     the University.
                               1. Recite the mission of the   guidelines and policies.
                               university, college and     3. Gender and Development
                  2       3
                               2. Explain all the guidelines
                               and policies;
                               3. Gender awareness and
                               After the completion of the   II. C++ Primer                       Lecture            Reference Book     Lecture Activity:
                               chapter, students should    1. Basic C++ Program                                                         Quiz
                                be able to:                   -   Simple C++ Program            Discussion            Presentation
                               1. Learn how to use C++        -   Fundamental Types                                     Graphics        Laboratory Activity
                               programming language           -   Pointers, Arrays and         Demonstration                            #1:
                               2. Understand the use of           Structures                                           White board      Create a program
                               Control Flow (if, if-else,   2. Control Flow                 Question and Answer                         that uses all the
                               switch, while, do-while and    -   If Statement                                           Marker         control flows
                  6       9
                               for loop) and arrays.          -   If-else Statement            Brainstorming
                               3. Create a C++ program        -   Switch Statement                                   Lecture Manual     Laboratory Activity
                               using Class and Object.        -   While and do-while Loop   Question and Answer                         #2:
                                                              -   For loop                                         Laboratory Exercise   Create a program
                                                              -   Arrays                    Laboratory Exercise          Manual         that consist of
                                                           3. Classes                                                                   Class, class object
                                                              -   Class and Object              Observation                             and Methods
                                                              -   Constructor

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