Page 22 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 22
After the completion of the VI. Stacks Lecture Reference Book Lecture Activity:
chapter, students should 1. Introduction to Stacks Quiz
be able to: - Operation on a Stack Discussion Presentation
1. Understand the concept 2. Implementation of Stacks Graphics Laboratory Activity
of Stacks - Push Demonstration #6:
2. Implements two - Pop White board Create a program
operations that can be Question and Answer that uses the
4 6 perform on Stack. Marker operations (Push &
Brainstorming Pop) of Stacks
Lecture Manual
Question and Answer
Laboratory Exercise
Laboratory Exercise Manual
After the completion of the VI. Queues Lecture Reference Book Lecture Activity:
chapter, students should 1. Introduction to Queue Quiz
be able to: - Queue Discussion Presentation
1. Understand the concept - Implementation of Queue Graphics Laboratory Activity
and structure of Queues and 2. Double-Ended Queue Demonstration #7:
Deques - Implementation of Deque White board Create a queue
2. Apply the principle of first- Question and Answer program that applies
4 6 in-first-out in basic queue Marker the principle of first-
program Brainstorming in-first-out.
Lecture Manual
Question and Answer
Laboratory Exercise
Laboratory Exercise Manual
After the completion of the VII. Sorting Lecture Reference Book Lecture Activity:
chapter, students should 1. Introduction to Sorting Quiz
be able to: 2. Bubble Sort Discussion Presentation
1. Understand the concept 3. Insertion Sort Graphics Laboratory Activity
4 6 of Sorting 4. Selection Sort Demonstration #8:
2. Apply different kinds of 5. Merge Sort White board Create a program
sorting techniques in C++ 6. Quick Sort Question and Answer using Bubble Sort
programming Marker and Insertion Sort
Brainstorming techniques.