Page 21 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 21

-   Object Function
                                After the completion of the   III. Object Oriented Design         Lecture            Reference Book     Lecture Activity:
                               chapter, students should    1. Goals and Patterns                                                        Quiz
                                be able to:                   -   OOP Design Goals              Discussion            Presentation
                               1. Learn how to create a       -   OOP Design Patterns                                   Graphics        Laboratory Activity
                               program using object-       2. Inheritance and                  Demonstration                            #3:
                               oriented programming        Polymorphism                                                White board      1 Create a program
                               paradigm.                      -   Inheritance               Question and Answer                         that uses OOP
                               2. Create a program with       -   Multiple Inheritance                                   Marker         paradigm such as
                               multiple classes.              -   Method Overloading           Brainstorming                            Inheritance, Multiple
                               3. Apply different methods of   -   Method Overriding                                 Lecture Manual     Inheritance, Method
                  6       9    OOP.                           -   Polymorphism              Question and Answer                         Overloading and
                                                              -   Encapsulation                                    Laboratory Exercise   Overriding.
                                                              -   Abstraction               Laboratory Exercise          Manual
                                                                                                                                        Laboratory Activity
                                                                                                Observation                             #4
                                                                                                                                        1 Create a program
                                                                                                                                        that uses OOP
                                                                                                                                        paradigm such as
                                                                                                                                        Encapsulation and
                  2       3                                                     MIDTERM EXAMINATION
                               After the completion of the   V. Linked List                       Lecture            Reference Book     Lecture Activity:
                               chapter, students should    1. Introduction to Linked List                                               Quiz
                                be able to:                2. Linked List Concept               Discussion            Presentation
                               1. Understand the concept   3. Types of Linked List                                      Graphics        Laboratory Activity
                               of Linked List.             4. Application of Linked List       Demonstration                            #5:
                               2. Create a program that has  5. Singly Linked List                                     White board      Create a program
                               linked list.                6. Doubly Linked List            Question and Answer                         about Singly Linked
                  4       6    3. Differentiate LinkedList to                                                            Marker         List and Doubly
                               Arrays.                                                         Brainstorming                            Linked List
                                                                                                                     Lecture Manual
                                                                                            Question and Answer
                                                                                                                   Laboratory Exercise
                                                                                            Laboratory Exercise          Manual


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