Page 47 - PHOTODOT 2017년 8월호 VOL.45 Jul
P. 47
artist kind to the gallery. However, I hope that the galleries will feel Digital compositing work seemed to be the mainstream.
free to play and swim in the images and get some feelings. My fa- Recently, due to digital distribution and development, not
vorite viewers are preschoolers. It is my personal standard, but it is only shooting but also printing methods have been diver-
a fun and exciting experience to see preschoolers visit the gallery sified. How do you print your photographs?
and express their emotions by looking at my works. The work process is almost similar to cooking. As there are a
In your recent work, I see there are some pictures applied simple dish and a dish that takes several hours, so are the process
with stereoscopic as well as the flat work with simply of implementing work. In my case, I shoot digital pictures first to
printing. What is the most unusual aspect of the repro- use as a sketch, then take several images to be combined with this
duction method in this work? and place them in the desired scene. The complex work may have
There isn't much difference except the materials. I used the resin more than 100 Photoshop layers. The print methods are different
for the first time. I wanted to try it for a few years, but there was according to the work contents after the completion of the pro-
no topic that I could relate to use. At this time, I have a chance to cess. I printed on paper or cloth or even printed on film. I rarely
utilize the resin since I wanted to express the depth and cubic ef- print directly by myself unless the size of the work is small. All of
fects of the universe in the photograph. The picture is flat. I wanted the large work sizes are left to the experts for printing. Instead, I
to make the scene that I imagined in a more realistic way with 3D. supervise in detail. A long time ago, it took me 14 print shops until I
I composited layers of the resin on the picture and mixed other reached my satisfaction. Now I have accumulated more know-how,
materials on the top. There is a bat (a particular object) on the so I can make a minimum visit and complete it in a shorter time.
top of the picture and a resin poured and hardened over it. Some What is your new plan of goal for the future photography?
works have a three-dimensional look, but in reality, there is a gap Recently, I tend to have more interest in other people. I am con-
between the picture frame and the stone-looking device. Original- centrating on that direction and searching for the related data.
ly it had to be opened, but I installed the transparent acrylic panel There may be some things in common about some experiences
to prevent the work from potential damage could be caused from and feelings that I have with others. It started with my curiosity
the galleries. When it is damaged by the viewers, it was difficult to how I would overcome these things. Maybe it could be a turning
install it again. They said that it looks like a magic since the stones point of my work. However, while I was mainly interested in my
float in the air. The device was made to float in the middle by using story, now for the first time, I am wondering about other peoples
electrical force. It looks like a three-dimensional with space be- thoughts. But I am not sure whether these questions would be
tween the images. linked to the work or not.
special interview1_0717.indd 57 2017-07-27 �� 10:17:34