Page 45 - PHOTODOT 2017년 8월호 VOL.45 Jul
P. 45
SATA NOVA #05 photography on resin, mixed media
30x30cm 2017
some sort of damage, you feel that something out of all of these has
disappeared. But by its very nature, I am still standing. Whatever
happens, I am standing apart from what happened, I still exist in the
world. I just want to say that we should get to know the nature
of these emotions that are caused by the loss but should not be
greatly disturbed. We should just casually depict about fear.
What is the difference between <NEUTRON SaTAR> and
other previous works?
The emotions that I felt when I lost all the data I accumulated are
almost the exact opposite feeling about the 'chicken' or the 'water'
series but their denominators are in the same trace. Previously, if
my certain emotions were disappeared or reconciled in a relatively
shorter period of time, this work seems a little special because
the emotion occurred from a sudden loss of the data. I wondered
why I felt rather comfortable even though my precious things dis-
appeared. I feel like all of the stacked chests of drawers had been
cleaned up, but finally, now I thought it was completely mine for
what has disappeared. I, now, am the only one who can remember.
No matter how much I explain, nobody even acknowledges about
called a 'star' because it is included in the evolutionary phase, but what disappeared. The work is the same. If you complete a pho-
neutron stars, in fact, can not create the nuclear fusion and gener- tographic work, it will still exist, but if all of your works are sold,
ate heat and light by themselves. For this reason, the core can be they will leave out of my hands and eventually become disappeared.
considered as one of the countless dead stars. The explosion of a Comparing that way, the disappearing of data is hardly retractable,
supernova is a scene of show sign of a data loss accident, and the but it still exists in my memory. It was a different experience be-
core of the nucleus is assigned to the dead or myself that thinks the cause I had never felt such feelings. it has a resemblance of Neu-
data has disappeared. It can be the memories disappearing with me trons, the birth of this star, and habit or character. So, on the other
and the feelings between them. hand, I wanted to infuse vitality even by substituting it. It is a work
What message does <NEUTRON SaTAR> have? that I would like to see as a source regardless of the theme of the
I am telling myself that I do not want to be afraid of what is disap- exhibition.
pearing. I panicked briefly when I suddenly lost a lot of data at my <NEUTRON SaTAR> works are unique and varied. There
computer. For the very brief moment, I even thought so seriously was also a variety of display methods at the exhibition ven-
that 'My life is over'. But I gradually became comfortable. There ue. Is there any specific reason?
was so much more additional data that I had enough to organize I do not think we should be limited to use under one single selec-
for a few months, once I would touch it. So I thought it was not too tion of medium. I try to express the scene I want by using various
bad that the loss of the data put me into an involuntary situation materials. The frame itself is decided according to the content of
that I have to organize in any way. When I suffered a great loss, the picture or the work and every single frame is selected in ac-
I worry about it, at least, once and try various thoughts and this cordance with the theme. The actual hardware with the data loss
work was born at the point. When you are financially damaged by was attached in the center. I wanted to express the moment when
a major incident or accident, or when you are emotionally hurt by the data exploded, so I displayed the pictures as if the pictures
special interview1_0717.indd 55 2017-07-27 �� 10:17:33