Page 40 - PHOTODOT 2017년 8월호 VOL.45 Jul
P. 40

Coming back and forth over the real and unreal world, the photographer Sata who
                  reproduces fantasy scenery with digital composition!  He brings out deep scars
                  through ‘self-recollection’.

                                  SATA SaTARK#02 archival pigment print 110X80cm 2010

                  The  photographer  Sata  takes  the  'self-recollection'  approach.   perienced in childhood would later be satisfied indirectly through
                  Self-recollection is a self-eruption of  expressing very private and   imagination or daydreaming.  Freud has also seen art works as a way
                  secret inner thoughts and emotions. In the art of photography, the   of fulfilling these desires, which is a starting point for understanding
                  'self-recollection' is Sata's unique working method and has a heal-  the work of Sata.  Freud's definition of the trauma in  unconscious
                  ing power when it comes to facing and expressing the wounds in   memory is the most significant feature of Sata’s work motif.
                  itself. He was born in Busan in 1972 and majored in visual design.   <SaTARK> is the work that started to gather attention to Satta as
                  Starting from his first solo exhibition <History>, he has had 8 solo   a photographer. The medium of this work is 'chicken' that recalled
                  exhibitions  with  titles  with  <SaTARLIT>,  <Sata Air  waTer Air>,   the painful memory from his childhood.  He summoned the trauma
                  <SaTARK>, and <NEUTRON SaTAR>. He also participated Busan   he suffered from the sudden death of chicks he raised when he
                  Biennale and many other group exhibitions. His works were also   was in elementary school. The chicken image repeatedly appears
                  collected at the National Hyundai Art Museum of Korea.  in the picture, but it is not a real appearance of chicken. Chickens
                  He earnestly shows his name in the titles of his works after the   are newly created with imagination by combining different animals
                  exhibition of <history>. He naturally decided to put his name in   (swans, geese) with certain parts exaggerated or reassembled with
                  his works since those are originated from his personal story. Sata's   symbolic elements.  The description of the unresolved event in the
                  work is intense "looking into emotions" and are the main interests   past appears as the character of metaphor. The accident that re-
                  that are embedded in the unconscious, and the 'emotions' mem-  mains as a scar becomes the original idea of   the work, and the
                  orized by past experiences.  Especially, he visualizes the emotions,   'emotion' that follows is reborn by dreaming the assimilation end-
                  such as the stingy and intense 'trauma' that he experienced during   ing as a supporting idea to explain the accident.  The artist's face is
                  his childhood, with the imagination and aesthetics by digital pho-  all covered with chicken feathers. The white chicken's crest appears
                  tography morphing technique.  Freud said psychological trauma ex-  deep-red, and the pure black chicken feathers also appear in all


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