Page 61 - PHOTODOT 2017년 8월호 VOL.45 Jul
P. 61
Mutual Support-How Can I Help_ __An Artful Dialogue-Bricollage-Academy- Mutual Support-How Can I Help_ __An Artful Dialogue-Dance-Movement-
2016-20x20 inches Therapist-2016-20x20 inches
painful history, but the tragedy makes every minute of our lives, tual Support,” which opened in March 2017 in New Orle-
even when Theodore is unhappy or I feel totally confused about ans?
parenthood, that much more precious and beautiful. “Mutual Support” is a group show that I am very proud to be part
Do you think tragedy gives us some artistic direction? of and used How Can I Help? – An Artful Dialogue as the founda-
I think tragedy can lead to artistic and positive direction for art- tion from which to investigate what mental health and wellness
ists, and creating Where’s My Happy Ending? has made me a much looks like in New Orleans. I was commissioned by Pelican Bomb, a
stronger artist, husband, and man. My work is derived from loss, non-profit organization working with writers, artists, and curators
unity, failure, and the latent potential residing in personal history to address the intersections of contemporary art and urban issues
and photographic materials; and I am interpreting loss and failure as affecting New Orleans.
tragedies. From my perspective, artistic direction requires a lot of After speaking and corresponding for over two years, and with the
introspection and “soul searching,” demanding that we are honest support of a family foundation, I spent a week on the ground mak-
and authentic with ourselves and willing to see and accept that ing research with the Founding Director, Cameron Shaw. We met
whatever we are going through, no matter how painful it might with people through introductions and referrals, and spontaneous-
be, might be a valid subject for creative self expression. Howev- ly, asking a lot of questions about what types of services already
er, choosing to have this response is a very personal choice, and exist and how accessible they are to local residents. I returned six
tragedy as we are calling it will not provide creativity and artistic months later with my family for two weeks of additional meetings
direction for everyone. Having Theodore is a dream come true for and to photograph thirteen diverse locations where mental health
us, but I never knew where this work would take me, or whether and wellness services take place. We wanted to provide visual an-
or not we would become parents. Not everyone who struggles swers to some of our questions, and to stimulate new conversa-
with infertility will be able to have a family, much less wish to share tions about accessibility to the modalities of care that already exist.
such a personal struggle with the public. My photographs portray a variety of locations, including traditional
Can you tell me about the work in your recent show, “Mu- psychotherapy and medical services; two places where personal ex-
special interview1_0717.indd 71 2017-07-27 �� 10:17:47