Page 34 - PHOTODOT 2017년 7월호 VOL.44 Jul
P. 34

전국노래자랑, 대구 달성, 2016, 152X195cm, Achival Pigment Print

                  You have dedicated your efforts mostly to portrait photography
                  in your career, starting from <Jjak-pae> to<National Singing Con-  Portrait photographs  show people’s  relationship with society.
                  test> and <Refugees>. I am curious to know the reason you are   Where do you focus?
                  interested in people and the story of people’s life through portrait.   I don’t think about any specific “message” when I work. In general,
                  I think it is like a boy’s curiosity. Since I was young, I was always curi-  photographers take interest in social issues such the “candlelight
                  ous about people. Such curiosity ultimately developed into interest   protest” when they try to develop a concept for their work. How-
                  in humanity, and  became the main subject of my photography. I   ever, in my case, I am more interested in exploring human psychol-
                  am still working on it because curisoity in men is an open-ended   ogy revealed in the undercurrent of social phenomenon that are
                  question. By the way, the portrait photography is the story about   hidden. One can look at the <National Singing Contest> and see
                  people in photographs, but it is also a story about myself. I reflect   variety of emotions. Also, in the <Last Wish>, one can experience
                  my own life through them, and this is why I am attracted to portrait   both the virtual world and the real world. There are many ways to
                  photography.                                       experience and appreciate my work.


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