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as limiting the types of behaviors or conduct which may   classroom teachers so that attendance can be taken.  Students
               subject a student to disciplinary action by school personnel.    stay with their teachers until everyone is allowed back into
               Any student found in violation of PR Board Policy, district   the building.  Fire alarms  must be obeyed whenever they
               rules or regulations, or any local, state or federal laws will   sound, during school or after school hours.  Additional safety
               be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.     drills are  held throughout the  year  for severe  weather,
                                                                  lockdown and reverse evacuation.
               The school board encourages students and parents/guardians   EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS
               who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or   If for any reason it becomes necessary to cancel or delay a
               harassment to promptly report such incidents to  the   regularly scheduled day of school, announcements will be
               superintendent, building principal or school psychologist in   made over local television and radio stations.  Information
               accordance with PR Board Policy Nos. 103 and 103.1, which   will also be posted on the Pine-Richland Information Line at
               can be found in the Policy Manual, which is linked to the   724-443-7575, PR-TV Channel 50, or the district’s website
               district’s  website.  Applicable guidelines can also be   at
               obtained through a request to the superintendent, building
               principal or school psychologist.  Reports of discrimination   FOOD AND BEVERAGES
               may also be forwarded to the school district’s Section 504   Students are not to eat any food or drink beverages in the
               coordinator:                                       hallways, at their lockers, or during regular classes.  No food
                                                                  or beverages (opened or unopened) may leave the cafeteria.
                       Dr. Maura Paczan
                       Lead School Psychologist                   Glass bottles must never be brought to school, even as part
                       Richland Elementary                        of a packed lunch.  Such items will be placed in the office or
                       3811 Bakerstown Road                       disposed of as appropriate.  Any exceptions to this rule must
                       Gibsonia, PA  15044                        be approved by the school office.
                       724-443-7230 X6503
                                                                  GRADE REPORTING
               ELECTRONIC DEVICES                                 The academic year is divided into four quarters; each quarter
               Students are not permitted to use cell phones  or other   is nine  weeks long.  Midterm  and final benchmark
               electronic devices such as  smartwatches  during regular   assessments are equal in weight to a nine-week grade.  All
               school hours.  If these devices must be brought to school for   grades are posted in the Sapphire Community Web Portal
               after-school activities, they must be turned off and kept in   (Formerly Home  Access Center)  and updated regularly.
               the student’s locker until after dismissal.  If a student is   You must register on the Pine-Richland website initially to
               found using  one  anywhere in the building  during regular   receive a user ID and password in order to access  your
               school hours, the item may be confiscated according to the   child’s grades.  Report cards and  progress reports can be
               PR District Discipline Code.  These devices are to be turned   viewed on the site as well and are not mailed home.  We
               off and placed in backpacks before exiting the school bus in   encourage students and parents to contact teachers directly
               the morning.  When the school day ends, students may use   if there are any questions regarding a grade.
               their devices once they get on the bus.  Students staying for
               after-school activities may use them in the building at the        Grading Scale
               discretion  of their club sponsor/coach after 2:35  p.m.    The following is the grading scale for the Pine-Richland
               Students are  unable to receive text messages during the   School District:
               school day.  Students may use  the  landline  phone in  the   90-100%    A
               lobby to call home and parents may contact the front office      80-89%     B
               if a message needs to be relayed to a student.  The school is      70-79%     C
               not   responsible  for   lost  or  damaged  cell          60-69%        D
               phones/smartwatches or other electronic devices.          0-59%         F

               EMERGENCY DATA                                                      Honor Roll
               At the beginning of each school year, parents are provided   Honor roll students are determined each nine weeks.   All
               with a copy of their child’s emergency data and asked to   subjects are used in determining the honor roll.  To earn the
               check the accuracy of the data on file for their child in the   distinction of honor, high honor, or highest honor, students
               case of an emergency.  We ask that the information be   may not have any grades below a C.  The honor roll scale is
               updated yearly on both the front and back of the form and   as follows:
               returned  to school immediately.   Any changes  made
               throughout the year should be communicated to the school   3.25 – 3.49   Honor
               office as soon as possible to ensure that emergency contacts      3.50 – 3.74   High Honor
               are up to date for our students.                          3.75 – 4.0    Highest Honor

               EMERGENCY DRILLS                                               Merit Scholars Program
               Fire drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an   The Merit Scholars Ceremony is held at the end of the school
               important safety  precaution.  It is essential that when the   year.  Students that are eligible must have a 3.85 cumulative
               alarm is first given, everyone obeys orders promptly and   GPA or above for the first three grading periods in the
               clears the building  by the prescribed  route as  quickly as   current school year.
               possible.  The teacher in each classroom will give the
               students instructions  to follow  during each  drill.   Most     Incomplete Grades
               importantly, once outside, students must stay  with their
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