Page 14 - MS_handbook_20_21
P. 14

parent/guardian.   For safety reasons,  it is highly   deodorants, body sprays, perfumes, or aerosol sprays of any
               recommended that medications be transported to and from   kind to school.
               school by a parent or guardian.  Medications must be kept in
               the nurse’s office.  The only exception would be students   LOST AND FOUND
               needing to carry asthma Inhalers, diabetic supplies, and/or   Students who find lost items must turn them into the office.
               Epi-Pens (rescue medications) are allowed with the proper   The school keeps a  collection  of lost and found articles
               additional permission to carry form.               throughout the year.  Students and/or parents should check
                                                                  the lost and found as soon as possible when missing an item
               Narcotic pain medication will not be given in school under   of clothing, jewelry, etc.  Unclaimed items are donated to a
               any circumstances.                                 local charity two times during the school year – at the end of
                                                                  the first semester and at the end of the year.  The school
               Please refer to  school  board policies  No. 210:  Use of   highly recommends that  nametags be placed on  personal
               Medications  and  210.1  for specific guidelines for the   belongings.
               possession and use of asthma inhalers/Epi-Pens.

               HOMEWORK                                           MESSAGES/ITEMS FROM HOME
               Homework assignments are an integral part of the middle   From time to time, parents may want to drop off items that
               school academic program.   We expect all homework   students need during the day.  We call students down to the
               assignments to be completed and included in the student’s   office  for these items during  morning announcements,
               grade.  It is especially important that homework is done by   during mid-morning announcements prior to the first lunch
               the student and  not copied.   All teachers post their   period, and during afternoon announcements at the end of
               assignments for their class on Blackboard or within Google   the day.  We are unable to interrupt classes at any other time
               classroom.  Students may access this site through the Pine-  to deliver messages or items  from home.  Parents should
               Richland website.  Many teachers additionally post class   refrain from making this a regular occurrence and limit these
               notes and rubrics.  If your child is absent from school, we   deliveries to emergencies only.
               ask that  you use this site to find what classwork and
               homework  were  missed.  We  do  not collect homework   PARENT STAFF ASSOCIATION
               materials from teachers for parent pick up or retrieve items   The Parent Staff  Association (PSA) is very active at the
               from student lockers.  For obvious reasons, please do not   middle school.  Regular meetings are held  on designated
               bring your child to school to gather  homework materials   dates throughout the school year at 9:30 a.m. in the middle
               when absent for illness.                           school auditorium.  The meeting schedule is determined at
                                                                  the beginning  of each school year and communicated to
               LIBRARY                                            parents through the Friday e- blast.  Information to volunteer
               The library has books, magazines, software, and other   for committees is mailed to families at the beginning of each
               materials for assigned study and recreation.  It is open for   school year.
               use during the entire school day.  Students should check with
               their teachers and the librarian for a good time to use the   RAMS WAY
               library.                                           The RAMS Way is Pine-Richland’s district-wide system of
                                                                  positive behavioral supports and interventions. The purpose
               LOCKERS                                            is to provide an intentional and preventative approach  to
               Each student is assigned a locker.  Periodic inspections are   improve upon a positive school climate.  Procedural and
               made by teachers to see that they are being kept neat and   behavioral expectations will be intentionally communicated
               orderly.  Students must use only the locker assigned to them   and taught at appropriate developmental levels from grades
               and are expected to keep their lockers locked at all times.    K through 12.
               The school is not responsible for items missing from lockers.
               All personal items and books, when not in use, are to be kept   The RAMS Way will focus on developing and improving
               in lockers.  All middle school lockers have built-in locks.    positive behaviors  through  the use of common,
               Students should not tamper with another locker or give their   developmentally-appropriate language and expectations.
               combination to another person.  Students are not permitted
               to display or tape anything on the outside of their lockers or   “The RAMS Way” initiative spells out the acronym for a
               any other student’s locker.                        common set of behavioral expectations, which is being
               Students should not bring valuable items to school and leave   shared across the district that includes:
               them in their lockers.  If valuables must be brought to school,
               they should  be given  to teachers  or the office  for safe-     R-espectful
               keeping.                                                  A-ccountable
               LOCKER ROOMS                                              S-afe
               There are separate locker rooms for boys and girls to use to
               change for Physical Education classes.  Only those students   Students will be learning what it means to be Respectful,
               scheduled for Phys. Ed. classes are permitted in the locker   Accountable, Motivated, and Safe in various areas of each
               rooms.  DO NOT  LEAVE MONEY OR VALUABLE            school building, including the cafeteria, hallways,
               ITEMS IN THE LOCKERS.  Give these to the teacher so   bathrooms, attendance, and the bus.   As a part  of that
               that they may be secured.                          initiative, we will be instituting the following components in
                                                                  all of our buildings:
               In an effort to be sensitive to students with allergies, we ask
               that students refrain from bringing heavily scented spray
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