Page 16 - MS_handbook_20_21
P. 16

Under  PR School Board  Policy #816:  Use of Video   classroom textbook will be provided to the student for use
               Surveillance Cameras, the district is permitted to use video   while in class.
               surveillance in any school  building,  on school district   Requests to  borrow textbooks over the summer  must go
               property, or on any transportation vehicle being used by the   through the school office.   Parents must sign out these
               district.  The district does monitor district buildings, property   textbooks and return them by the beginning of August.
               and transportation vehicles with surveillance cameras and
               individuals using any such facilities should expect that such   TIPS HOTLINE
               surveillance may occur.  In addition,  the  use of audio   Tips concerning threats to the safety of the school and any
               recordings is permitted on school  district  transportation   of its  members  may be  made  by calling 724-449-TIPS
               vehicles (PR School Board  Policy #810.2).   If audio   (8477).  All calls to the TIPS Hotline are confidential. The
               recording is being used on a district transportation vehicle, a   state of Pennsylvania has instituted the Safe 2 Say
               notice indicating that such recording may occur will be   Something anonymous reporting system, which is accessible
               placed within the vehicle.                         via app, phone, or internet. The phone number is 1-844-5-
                                                                  SAYNOW, or you can visit to
               TELEPHONES                                         report anonymously.
               A phone for local calls is located in the front lobby opposite
               the office  for student use.  There is no charge to use this
               phone.   Students must have a pass from their teacher   VENDING MACHINES
               allowing them to use the phone during school hours.   Snack and beverage machines are located in the hall beside
                                                                  the auditorium.  Vending machines are accessible only after
               TERRORISTIC THREATS OR ACTS                        dismissal.  Students requiring a snack after school must have
               Students are prohibited from communicating terroristic   their own change.  The office does not have change for the
               threats or committing terroristic acts directed at any student,   vending machines.
               employee, school director, community member, or school
               building.   Terroristic threat  -  shall mean a threat   VISITORS
               communicated either directly or indirectly to commit any   When visiting the middle school  during regular school
               crime of violence with the intent to terrorize another; to   hours, parents or other school visitors must press the
               cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly or facility   intercom button to the left of the front doors and identify
               of public transportation; or to otherwise cause serious public   themselves to gain entry into the school.  Once inside,
               inconvenience,  or cause terror or serious  public   visitors must  enter the interior door to the left and report
               inconvenience with reckless disregard of the risk of causing   directly to the main office.  If going beyond the office into
               such terror or inconvenience. All threats spanning grades K-  other areas of the  building,  visitors must present a valid
               12 whether communicated verbally, in writing, through   driver’s license to the office, which will be scanned into our
               gestures, or through other means such as  phone calls,   Raptor system and a visitor’s badge issued to be worn at all
               pictures/graphics, or electronic transmission will be taken   times while in the building.  Visitors must also sign out when
               seriously and investigated thoroughly.  Students making a   leaving the building by scanning their visitor’s badge at the
               threat or committing such acts  may be suspended   Raptor kiosk in the office.  School personnel will meet their
               immediately. The threat or act will be promptly reported to   visitors in the office and escort  them to their  destination.
               law enforcement officers. The Pine-Richland School Board   Please note that we do not honor individual student requests
               may recommend that the student be permanently expelled   to bring visitors from other schools or out-of-town friends or
               from PRSD. It is the responsibility of the staff and students   relatives during the regular school day.
               to responsibly report terroristic threats and acts.  Any student
               supplying falsifying information shall be subject to   WEAPONS
               disciplinary action.                               Pursuant to PR Board Policy No. 218.1 and Pennsylvania
                                                                  law, students are prohibited from possessing or bringing on
               TEXTBOOKS                                          to the school premises any weapon.  Weapons prohibited by
               Textbooks for all students are provided at no cost.  Every   this policy include, but are not limited to, knives, cutting
               student is obligated to give books the best of care.     instruments, cutting tools, nunchaku, firearms, shotguns,
                                                                  rifles, Tasers, and stun guns, explosive devices, and/or any
               In general, each textbook has a number and teachers keep   other common household item, tool, instrument or
               track of which student has which textbook.   It  is very   implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury, as well
               important that students put their names in every textbook.   as any tool, implement or instrument represented or
               In case of loss, teachers fill out a  Student Charge  form.    reasonably capable of being perceived as such a weapon.
               Another book is issued to the student and the teacher turns
               the form into the office where it will be kept until the end of   Students cannot interfere  with the normal activities,
               the school year, at which time the charge for the lost   occupancy, or use of any building or portion of the school
               textbook will be mailed home for payment.  The charge will   campus by exhibiting, using, or threatening to exhibit or use
               also be entered in the student’s Sapphire website  account   a dangerous weapon or its look-alike.  Any student who
               (replacing Home Access)  where it will carry over and   brings  or  possesses a weapon  on school  property at any
               accumulate from year to year until required to be paid prior   school-sponsored activity or on any public conveyance
               to graduation.  Students must make adequate compensation   providing transportation to a school or school-sponsored
               for textbooks that they lose or damage.            activity shall be expelled for a period of not less than one
                                                                  year. However, the superintendent, at his or her discretion,
               Students will only receive one set of textbooks.  If medical   may recommend discipline short of expulsion on a case-by-
               issues require that a set of textbooks be kept at home, the   case basis. Such students will also be referred to local law
               school-issued set of textbooks will remain at home and a   enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution.

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