Page 111 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 111

8.  Computer restarts for no reason
                      9.  Hijacked accounts and sending messages
                     10.  Lockdown warnings
                     11.  Anti-virus software won't work
                     12.  Corruption of programs
                     13.  Corruption of operating system

                 Viruses do not only attack computers. They also attack phones, phablets,
               tablets and iPads.

               Types of Viruses

                          Retro: Retro is a virus designed to attack anti-virus software designed

                          to delete them. It can circumvent or disable Antivirus software.
                          Boot Sector Viruses: Boot sector viruses are viruses that infect the
                          boot sector and make the computer or media unbootable. Once the Boot
                          sector becomes infected, it will infect any other media such as floppy
                          disks drive, zip drive, etc. it comes into contact with. Boot sector is the
                          part of the hard drive that actually starts the operating system.
                          BIOS Viruses: BIOS stands for Basic Input /Output System. It is an

                          area of the memory that controls everything including input and output
                          devices. It controls devices such as keyboard, mouse, CD ROMs, hard
                          drives, video cards, etc.
                          File Viruses: They're the most common type of viruses. They infect
                          existing files (sometimes replacing them), causing the virus to load into
                          memory whenever you execute an infected file.

                          Worms: A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and
                          use memory but cannot attach itself to other programs. While regular
                          viruses spread on the local device, worms spread quickly through
                          existing networks.
                          Trojan Horses (Trojans): Trojans are viruses pretending to be normal
                          application software while performing their destructive behaviors
                          behind the scenes. E.g. is a game that deletes files while the game is


                 Other viruses are resident viruses, overwrite viruses, direct action viruses, etc.

               How Computers get infected by Viruses
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