P. 28

"We will provide Rp 8.8 trillion worth: of wage subsidies, for 8.8 million workers [in nonessential
              industries)," Sri Mulyani told reporters in an online press conference on Wednesday evening.
              With the support, the government aims to minimize the impact on businesses caused by the
              activity restrictions. The government recently extended the restrictions by five days to July 25
              but promised to loosen.them should there be asignificant drop in cases.

              However,  at  almost  50,000  new  cases  on  Thursday,  the  daily  tally  of  confirmed  COVID-19
              infections' remains far above the: government's 'short-term target of below 10,000.

              Sri Mulyani reminded companies that workers eligible for the program had to remain employed.
              She said the support was proposed to help. those working reduced hours'or put on unpaid leave
              by  employers  'struggling  during  the  economic  crisis.  Meanwhile,  the  preemployment  card
              program would focus on people recently laid off.

              To fund both programs, the government has allocated Rp 10 trillion from the state budget. More
              than Rp 8.8 trillion of that sum will be disbursed 'for the wage subsidy, and the rest will go
              toward the preemployment card program.

              However, the government's plan is a far cry from what business associations had demanded in
              a joint statement earlier in the day, namely that the employers would reduce wage payments to
              their workers while the government would cover the difference.

              One association demanded that the government pay half of the wages, which would amount toa
              much bigger subsidy than the Rp 500,000 per month decided by the government.

              The: planned subsidy is also lower than payments made in a 2020 program, when workers on
              payrolls of under Rp 5 million could get up to Rp 2.4 million for two months, Malaysia, in a'similar
              but more extensive program, gives workers at least $142 per month for a period of three to six
              months in the tourist and retail sectors and one month in other sectors.

              The government did not meet the other demand. made by the business groups, namely to loosen
              workplace restrictions, Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto said the government
              would stick to its current policy, He said that, to have: employees: work on premises rather than
              from home during the pandemic, firms had to get an Industry Ministry permit (OMKD.

              "Industries  are  regulated  un-der  the  IOMKI  from  the  Industry  Ministry.  The  health  protocol
              (under the permit] is clear," Aitlangga: told reporters, speaking at the same: press conference
              as Sri Mulyani.

              Currently,  a  100  percent  workfrom-home  regime  applies  to  companies  in  business  sectors
              categorized as. nonessential, effectively forcing those who cannot implement remote work to
              suspend operations. In the essential sectors, the government has capped workplace occupancy
              at 50 percent of the usual capacity:

              Meanwhile,  industry  associations  had  urged  the  government  to  loosen  those  restrictions  by
              allowing firms in nonessential sectors to work with 50 percent of their staff on premises and 25
              Percent for auxiliary roles.

              They also demanded that businesses in the essential sectors be allowed to workat full capacity,
              which would amount to the same treatmentas afforded to firms in sectors classified as critical.

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