Page 4 - NZ Ulyssian December
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elcome to the December great development is that the Ulyssian to sustain our future we will have to
Ulyssian. Wow, December Magazine will be coming back as a fully move with the times.
already. For some, it has printed hard copy magazine, distributed The club for me, and all of your
Wbeen a much longer year to all members. Digital copies will still be National Committee, has taken a lot of
than others. Lockdowns are taking available if required, but from 2022 the our time recently. Some of the changes
their toll on our branches to a greater Ulyssian will be back in your letterbox. we are making we chose, some of the
or lesser degree all over the country, You will have probably worked out changes choose us, there have been
events cancelled, rides cancelled, social by now that this will be the last edition hard conversations, there have been
gatherings cancelled, committee and of the Ulyssian for Paul Lance and the funny conversations, there have been
branch meetings cancelled. I'm sure like team at BRM. Paul has decided that conversations where you think, What
the rest of you, I've had enough of it. he would like to move away from the the . you fi ll in the e leti e .
I won't go into the details of my Ulyssian publication and concentrate There have been times when everything
opinions as life, of late, has taught me on other areas. Paul and the team at you plan gets shot to shit because of
that it is far more important to retain a BRM have been an absolute pleasure another cancellation, and it takes a
friendship than to argue over opposing to work with and have always supplied strain. We are all volunteers who care
o inions that will ne er eet. u fi e a high-quality magazine for the club. deeply about the club. Personally, I
to say, for the mental well being of our We would like to thank them for their wouldn't want to be doing anything else
members and for the whole of NZ, I dedication, ability to problem solve and with my time, but it takes a strain.
hope these restrictions soon come to an still provide a great product, even when When the second Coordinators
end. the President is late with his copy! I meeting was cancelled, I sat back and
As a National Committee, we had personally will miss working with Paul, questioned my sanity (some may say
a plan laid out to launch the website and we wish him all the best for the that was always in question, and the
and video to social media. This was to future. e sahib would a ree with you . ter
coincide with the original coordinators Rest assured, the Ulyssian will retain a day or so s re e tion thou ht ba
weekend in September, but this was its continuity of supply, as much of to where my initial motivation came
also cancelled. The coordinators the work to supply the magazine for from. I can remember right back to when
weekend was rescheduled and 2022 has already been done. There Mike Dew started 'grooming' me for this.
cancelled again for November, the will be a few changes visually, in paper I thought perhaps I can help. Perhaps
date was then turned into a series stock, and over time, there will be I can make a difference? So I said yes,
of three Zoom workshops to discuss more advertising. And yes, you read it I'll give it a go. So after a little more
developments and plan for the club to orre tly the fi rst ti e all e bers will re e tion and a ou le o his eys
move forward. receive a hard copy. thought about what put a rocket up my
The new website has now been With regard to the increase of subs backside to keep me going, and three
launched, is getting good reviews and this year, we appreciate this may be a things came to mind. One was about
already generating new members. concern to some members and have 15 minutes after I had been elected at
For those of you who have seen it, it kept the membership fees well below the Hawkes Bay AGM. As I was getting
is providing us with a fresh and up to other comparable clubs, a $10 rise over congratulated and shaking hands with
date platform from which to present the one year being the cost of just two cups many members, a senior and well-
club. We would like to welcome to the of coffee. For myself, this is the extra respected member came up to me,
team Ben Bell from Shotbro design and ost between fi llin y bi e u with uel shook my hand and said, "I suppose
Greig Neilson from Web21 as our new a year a o and fi llin it u now. obody you are here to manage our decline into
webmasters. likes to see prices rising for anything, oblivion." Hmmm, that was almost as if
We would also like to thank Paul but in today's current climate, rising a challenge had been laid down. Not on
Willard from Net Enterprises for the prices are a global problem. my watch!
work he has done for the club over We as a National Committee have The second thing that kept me
many years. Paul has always provided thought long and hard about this, motivated was being part of the Natcom
a professional and dedicated service to and ha e had to a e ery di fi ult team and being a part of that passion
the club, and we wish him well for the decisions that safeguard the future for the club.
future. fi nan ial se urity and lon e ity o the The third thing that kept me going
For members who are less inclined to club. We are aware that many of our along was the input of a pushy young
use digital devices as a communication e bers are on fi ed in o es and branch coordinator, who had some great
form, new hard copy contact cards have taken this into consideration when ideas akin to the likes of my own and
have been developed and distributed agreeing a rate. Even with the results some great ways to implement them,
to branches. You can hand these out we have had in reducing the running a strategic thinker. Something I was
whenever you are riding. Another costs of the club, the fact remains that lacking. Motivation and a plan, exciting
4 | Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021