Page 5 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 5

                                                  ULYSSIAN EDITOR

             stuff.                                  t’s with sadness that I write this, my
              Whether you take your motivation       fi nal editorial  or the  lyssian.  e
             from a challenge or from the people     unfortunately after 9 years of putting
             around you, matters not a jot to me. As   Ithe club’s quarterly magazine together,   Last day for
             long as you keep taking your motivation   I decided to call time on what has been  submissions for
             and using it to drive on, in life, in the   an enjoyable relationship. The decision
             club or wherever else your passion lies.   wasn’t an easy one to make, especially  the next Ulyssian
             Lockdowns won't win, governments     as I’ve enjoyed my time reading the many
                                                                                             magazine is
             won't win, Covid won't win, people will   supplied articles, talking with members
             win.                                 and going on rides. But as is often the    February 4,
              From the people I stay in touch with   case when reaching a milestone birthday
             regularly around the country, I can see      awo e one  ornin  to the bi  fi  e oh    a  2022
             that the spirit of the club is still alive and   long hard look at my lifestyle dictated that
             well even if the social side has a dose of   the sensible option was to cut back on my
              o id  fi nd your  oti ation  sti   with it    workload and attempt to spend less time
             and we'll have a beer when we get out   sitting in front of three computer screens  Branch who are incredibly active in
             the other side.                      and more time sitting behind a set of  organising rides to weird and wonderful
                                                  handlebars. It’s a common misconception  destinations. The roads I’ve discovered
             PS. I now class the pushy young      that the editor of a motorcycle magazine  since following Trevor on his Bonne
             Coordinator as a dear friend.        would simply spend every day riding bikes.  have been mind-boggling, especially
                                                  The reality is stress, long hours, deadlines  considering I thought I knew my way
             Ride Bikes, have fun, look out for each   and more stress, with the occasional bike  around the local area having lived and
             other.                               riding which isn’t all that relaxing when you  ridden here for 20 years. Seems you’re
                                                  know there’s a computer waiting for you to  never to old to learn new routes, new
              Tiny’ Tim Stewart #8959             write 2000 words when you get home.  tricks and excellent destinations. We’ve
             National President, Ulysses Club NZ   Breaking the news to Tiny was tough,  done gravel, done a bit of walking and
             inc                                  but I’m happy to say he understood the  sight-seeing, eaten plenty of pies and
                                                  decision. And with a committee dedicated  drunk a lot of coffee. I also got to meet
                                                  to making the Ulysses Club bigger and  some interesting and colourful bikers from
                                                  better, swapping up the creation of the  all walks of life, which has to be at the
                                                  club’s magazine, will I’m sure, make the  foundation of what makes the Ulysses club
                                                  publication better than ever before.  so good.
                                                  Tiny asked me to comment a bit on our   One trip does stand out from them all, and
                                                  involvement with the Ulysses over the  that was to meet an eccentric character in
                                                  years, and I guess the underlying feeling  Taupo who creates things out of stuff. Well,
                                                  I have looking back is of the articles  okay, I’m under-selling it here slightly. This
                Club members checking out a rather   supplied by members about their trips  guy was incredible, with a shed like I’ve
                           intersting motorcycle...  and travels – even from around the world,  never seen before. Greeted by a life-sized
                                                                remember when          Dalek as I walked in the door, the fact he’d
                                                                we could do that!      made two enormous, working motorcycles
                                                                Quite often I’d make   from old diesel engines and bits he had
                                                                notes of the places    laying about was bonkers. And that he’d
                                                                members had been,      ridden them down Taupo’s main street was
                                                                seen and stayed with   even better!
                                                                the conviction to get   Finally, I’d like to say thank you to Tiny, the
                                                                there and do it myself.   committee and you, the members for all
                                                                Obviously, I never got   the support we’ve received over the years.
                                                                there as I was stuck   I’ll still be on rides, hopefully more now and
                                                                in an o fi  e  but       looking slightly less stressed.
                                                                planning on changing   Ride safe.
                                                                that soon!             Paul
                                                                In recent years I’ve had
                                                                the pleasure on riding   For all contributions to the Ulyssian,
                                                                regularly with the local   please now use the new email:
                                                                Waihi Thames Valley

                                                                                              Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021  |  5
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