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                                      Ulysses Club of New Zealand Inc
               Tribal Bike Shirt Order form
                                                                                          NEW TRIBAL
               NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………..                   MEMBER NUMBER:…………..
               POSTAL ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………….                                    ULYSSES
               ……………………………………………………………………………………………….                                        CLOTHING
               Please circle style; colour; size & print colour you wish to order.
               Ladies Tee Shirt –  $35.00 plus Postage                                In the September Ulyssian, we
                                                                                      announced we were going to launch
               Colours -  Grey Marle  Light Blue  Sage       Mauve  Black    Navy
                                                                                      the new Tribal Bike Logo shirts at the
               Size -   XS   S    M    L    XL  2XL                                   Coordinators meeting. As this is now
               Print Colour - Black White Silver                                      cancelled, I have arranged for photos
                                                                                      and an order form to be placed in
               Ladies Polo Shirt - $50.00 plus Postage
                                                                                      this Ulyssian. We also will have the
               Colours -  Red  Royal Pink  Silver Black                               samples at the National Rally & AGM
               Size -    8   10   12   14   16  18   20   22                          in Christchurch, March next year.
               Print Colour - Black White Silver                                        These shirts will be ordered
                                                                                      through Debby as per the order
                                                                                      form, and be advised that we are
               Mens Tee Shirt - $40.00 plus Postage                                   not holding stock of these shirts. So,
               Colours -  Black Grey Marle  Petrol Blue  Cobalt    Coffee             they need to be ordered, and once
                                                                                       ebby  an  onfir  your order  she
               Size -    S   M    L    XL   2XL  3XL
                                                                                      will advise the amount that you will
               Print Colour - Black  White Silver                                     need to pay, as postage may change
               Mens Polo Shirt - $50.00 plus Postage                                  over time.
                                                                                        We hope that this range may
               Colours -  Silver Royal Slate Cyan  Navy Black
                                                                                      include Hoodies at a later date.
               Size -    S   M    L    XL   2XL  3XL  5XL
               Print Colour – Black  White Silver                                     I hope you all have a happy holiday

               TO ORDER Print and scan order form and email to;   aren Wilson #7787
               Or Phone our National Admin, Debby on 0800 859 773 (2:30pm – 5:30pm)   National  uartermaster

                           YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU!

                      We are looking for someone to step into the exciting role of
                National Treasurer. Nominations have now closed, but we will
                   take nominations from the floor at the 2022 AGM in Canterbury.

                This would ideally suit someone with a financial background including experience in
                                                   balance sheets and Xero.

                   Can you help? Is this the thing for you? Do you have questions about this role?
                                                Contact me. Let’s talk about it.

                  You will be working with a great team on the National Committee and making a
                    difference to the future growth of our club. I look forward to hearing from you.

                             Tim Stewart, National President, Ulysses Club NZ Inc.
                                                    Phone: 021 053 7842.

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