Page 12 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 12

REMIT 2 AGM 2022

                                           REMITS/RESOLUTIONS 2
                                         THE NATIONAL SECRETARY
                                          ULYSSES CLUB OF NZ INC

             The following is a request seeking to amend the Club Rules regarding nominations for the Odyssey Medal. This remit is
             intended to be presented at the National Annual General Meeting to be held on 19th March 2022, as permitted by Rule 5.1 of
             the Club Rules. We further request publication of the remit in the December Ulyssian as required by the Club Rules.
                                                     Proposed  Matthew Farrell #9919 – National Committee/Tauranga Coordinator
                                                                        Seconded  Craig Moodie #8602 – Auckland Coordinator

             Background:                          benefit o  the  lub as a so ial  olunteer  conditions:
             The proposer contends that where both   organisation. To allow joint nominations    i     ran h  ay no inate a  ou le  ointly
             no inees are finan ial  e bers o  the  would better re e t the reality o  the  for an Odyssey Medal, provided that
             Club, a joint nomination for a couple   situation in terms of fairness, equity and   each of the couple individually meets the
             as defined in the re it  ay be o e a  equality for both members. Otherwise, a   re uire ents o   lause  .     a   and
             valid Odyssey Medal nomination. This is   Branch is forced to single out one person    ii   u h no ination also  eet the re-
             currently not possible as the Rule Book is   who could not have made their contribu-   uire ents o   lauses  .     b     .
             written.                             tion to the Club without the support of the    e  in lusi e  and
             If the remit were passed, each partner   partner who is currently not able to be    iii   he  otin  as  er  lause  .     d
             would receive an Odyssey Medal in the   recognised with the Odyssey Medal.  shall be treated as a single nomination. If
             event of their joint nomination reach-                                    the nomination is successful, each of the
             in  the s e ified threshold  or a  ro al   As such, approval is sought for the follow-  couple will receive an individual Odyssey
             su fi ient e iden e ha in  been  ro ided  ing amendments:                 Medal, which will be treated as one award
             that the couple have jointly and severally                                 or the  ur oses o   lause  .     h .
             shown such meritorious conduct.      Remit 2 - Add new subclauses to clause    i    or the  ur oses o  this  lause    ou-
             The Club would thus inclusively recognise    .     as  ollows             ple” means two members of the Club who
             the value of such relationships for the                                   live together, whether married, in a civil
             supportive efforts and time given by both   2.6(2)(i) Joint Odyssey nominations   union, or in a similar relationship.
             individuals together as a team for the   may be accepted subject to the following

                                           REMITS/RESOLUTIONS 3
                                        THE NATIONAL SECRETARY
                                          ULYSSES CLUB OF NZ INC

             The following is a request seeking to amend the Club Rules lowering the minimum age at which prospective members may
              oin to   , with the aim of  etter safeguarding the future  nancia  via i ity and  onger term surviva  of the on y nationa
             social club for all motorcycle enthusiasts.
             This remit is intended to be presented at the National Annual General Meeting to be held on 19th March 2022, as permitted
             by Rule 5.1 of the Club Rules. We further request publication of the remit in the December Ulyssian as required by the Club

                                                     Proposed  Matthew Farrell #9919 – National Committee/Tauranga Coordinator
                                               Seconded  Jim Furneaux #2098 – ex-National Committee/ex-Wellington Coordinator

             Background:                           From February 2010 to October 2021   may help to protect and safeguard the
             Remit 3 follows more than a decade of      .  years    lub  e bershi  has  allen   lub s lon e ity by i  ro in  its finan ial
             steadily declining membership as thus:  by 983 or 32.2%. The loss of 983 mem-  security. It may also enable the Club to
             Feb 2010: 3,050. Feb 2011: 2,948. Feb   bers represents 47.6% of the current Club   more effectively lobby on behalf of mem-
             2012: 2,840. Feb 2013: 2,736. Feb 2014:   membership. More than 300 of those are   bers as a meaningful and relevant entity
             2,667. Feb 2015: 2,708. Feb 2016: 2,617.   since this remit was voted down at Mos-  which is currently at risk following consist-
             Feb 2017; 2,485. Feb 2018: 2,385. Feb   giel in 2018.                     ent years of membership decline.
             2019: 2,222. Sep 2020: 2,118. Oct 2021:   Increasing overall membership, includ-  Based on the trends of the past decade,
             2,067.                               ing extending the minimum age range,   the ability of the Club to provide oppor-

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