Page 11 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 11
REMIT 1 AGM 2022
The following is a request seeking to amend the Club Rules as part of a general updating of the rules as a result of a
review undertaken by the National Committee. This remit is intended to be presented at the National Annual General
Meeting to be held on 19 March 2022, as permitted by Rule 5.1 of the Club Rules. We further request publication of the
remit in the December Ulyssian as required by the Club Rules.
Proposed: Stuart (Smokey) Burns #3703 – National Treasurer
Tim (Tiny) Stewart # 8959 – National President
Background requirement, at least the name and Clause 3.4(e) wording change; her / his
The National Committee has become address of each person who is a is replaced with their
aware of the fact that certain aspects member, the person’s membership
of the current rules of the club require number, and the date on which the Clause 3.5.3(a) is Deleted;
clarification. In particular defining the role person became a member.
of the National Administrator, clarifying Clause 3.5.3(b) is Deleted;
the duties of the National Secretary New Clause 2.4(b) is added; The
and National Administrator. Updating Register of Members record the Club Life Clause 3.5.3(c) becomes Clause
the Register of members information members and Odyssey Medal holders. 3.5.3(a);
and how members can access the
information and formalising the manner Existing Clause 2.4(b) becomes 2.4(c) Clause 3.5.3(d) becomes Clause
in which committee meetings can be and is amended to read; The Register 3.5.3(b);
held. of Members shall be available at the
Registered Office of the Club and shall, Clause 3.5.5(d) is amended to read;
As such approval for the following subject the provisions of the Privacy Act ensuring that copies of the Branch
amendments is sought. 1993, be open for inspection, free of Annual Financial Report are forwarded to
charge, to any member at a reasonable the National Secretary within one month
Clause 1.2(i) is deleted and replaced place and hour. of the Branch Annual General Meeting.
with; “National Administrator” means the
person or organisation appointed by the New Clause 3.5.6 is added;
National Committee to exercise the day- Clause 2.7(d) is amended to read; .6 The National Administrator is
to-day administration of the Club, If the Coordinator decides that the responsible for:
matter should be taken further then the (a) keeping the Register of
Clause 2.1(d); National Secretary be Coordinator must discuss it with the Members, Life Members and Odyssey
replaced with National Administrator Branch Committee. If, at this point, they Medal Holders,
are unable to resolve the matter to the (b) processing applications for
Clause 2.1(f) is added; where the satisfaction of all parties then a formal membership of the club
National Committee determines to committee meeting must be called (c) attending to the Club
approve an application for membership with the member whose conduct is the administration as determined by the
to the Club, the National Administrator subject of the complaint to review the National Committee
shall cause the person’s name to be concerns. That member must receive
entered in the Club Register of Members written notice of the concerns to be Clause 3.8.2 is amended to read;
considered at the meeting. For Club Annual General Meetings,
Clause 2.1(g)is added; where the the notice must be published in the
National Committee determines to reject Clause 2.7(e) wording change; her / his December Ulyssian prior to the Annual
an application for membership to the is replaced with their General Meeting.
Club, the National Secretary shall as
soon as practicable notify the applicant Clause 2.7(g) wording change; her /
of that rejection. his is replaced with their
Clause 2.4(a) is amended to read; Clause 3.4(a) is amended to read;
The National Committee shall establish Each committee shall hold at least six
a Register of Members which will be meetings per year either in person or by
maintained by the National Administrator. way of telephone or video link at such time
The register shall specify as a minimum and place as the committee may determine.
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