Page 13 - NZ Ulyssian December
P. 13

REMIT 3 AGM 2022

             tunities for companionship among older   through future Ulysses members by shar-  members of my branch told me they didn’t
             motorcyclists is declining. Even pre-Covid   ing this culture and heritage with the next   feel they fitted in and couldn’t relate to
             this was seen in dwindling attendances at   generation. It fell away and decline set in.  many others. We need open minds to
             AGMs, remembrance events, rallies, and   So, what does Ulysses say about his   transition to a welcoming future.
             group rides.                         son Telemachus in the poem Ulysses by   Action is needed now to halt the de-
              In the late 1980s, the current Internet   Tennyson?                      cline, to preserve and retain this Club’s
             was a pipedream. There was no social   Telemachus will inherit the throne   proud heritage for future riders to enjoy.
             media. Mobile phones were in-car only or   Ulysses finds burdensome. Telemachus   We need to welcome and appeal to all
             giant handheld bricks. Choices for riders   will act as successor while the great hero   ages of riders, united by the love of social
             were much more limited back then. There   resumes his travels: Ulysses says, “This   motorcycling - as Ulysses, but also in the
             are now a plethora of local rider groups   is my son, mine own Telemachus, to   spirit of Telemachus.
             and clubs linked to motorcycle brands   whom I leave the scepter and the isle.”   We need to bring our existing members
             which have all taken a slice of the avail-  Ulysses thinks that Telemachus will be a   with us. You are the Club. But if a new
             able social riders - crucially, before the   good king, “blameless” and “decent”. Or   member has a younger sibling or friend,
             age of 40.                           as Barbie says, strangers are just “the   the hard line of 40 is a pain. It was OK
              Ulysses is about meeting and social-  friends I haven’t met yet”.        back at the start, but society changes.
             ising with like-minded people. Back in   To the less open-minded, Ulysses has   This remit aims to ensure our ethos of
             the day there was a junior organisation   an old fogey reputation, which precludes   mature rider camaraderie can survive.
             named Telemachus, intended to bring   some from joining. A couple of short-term

             Indicative support:
             This remit is personally supported by: Tim Stewart (Hawke’s Bay, National President), Andy Wilson (Wairarapa, National Vice-Presi-
             dent), Stuart Burns (Rotorua, National Treasurer), Suzie Pentelow (Taranaki, National Secretary), Karen Wilson (Wairarapa, National
             Committee), Matthew Farrell (Tauranga Coordinator, National Committee), Pip Were (Far North, National Committee), Craig Moodie
             (Auckland Coordinator), Rob Bissett (North Harbour Coordinator), Rex Collins (Buller Coordinator), Chris Carey (Canterbury Coordi-
             nator), Christine Cameron (Gisborne Coordinator), Mark MacCauley (Hawke’s Bay Coordinator), Rod O’Beirne (Nelson Coordinator),
             Andrew King (North Otago Coordinator), Mike Wyatt (Otago Coordinator), Hartley Gray (Rotorua Coordinator), Paul Redshaw (Taupo
             Coordinator), Wayne Larsen (Waihi-Thames Valley Coordinator), Darryl Andrews (Waikato Coordinator), Dylan McMenamin (Wairarapa
             Coordinator), Rob Monteba (Wanganui Coordinator), Jim Furneaux (ex-Wellington Coordinator), Greg Evans (Whakatane Coordinator),
             Martin Peyerl (Taranaki President), Tim Wills (Marlborough Coordinator) and Kelvin Watson (Marlborough Branch).

             Not supported by: Paul Nees (Kapiti Coast Coordinator), Murray Cross (Manawatu Coordinator) and Nick Benfell (Canterbury Editor)

             As such, approval is sought for the following amendments:
             Remit 3. That the minimum age for entry to the Ulysses Club of NZ be lowered with the intent of better safeguarding the future financial
             viability of the Club by amending Rules clauses 2.1(a), 2.1(b), and 2.1(c) inclusive, by replacing the words “40 years old” where they
             appear in clauses 2.1(a), 2.1(b), and 2.1(c) inclusive with the words “35 years old”.

                           POSTAL VOTING FOR REMITS - 2022 AGM

                 To ensure your votes are counted please:             Address the envelope to:
                 •  Use the forms provided over the page/on this page.   National Secretary,
                 •  Don’t write other information on the forms.       The Ulysses Club of New Zealand,
                 •  Put forms in a sealed envelope.                   C/- PO Box 40218, Upper Hutt 5140.
                 •  Write your Ulysses Membership number and the words

                    ‘Secret Ballot’ on the outside of the envelope (your   All envelopes received will be delivered to the
                    number is used to ONLY determine your eligibility to   appropriate scrutineers at the Club AGM in Papanui.
                    vote, not how you vote).                          Only votes marked correctly will be counted.
                 •  All postal votes received must be postmarked no later

                    than than the 5th of March.

                                                                                             Ulyssian DECEMBER 2021  |  13
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