Page 5 - May 2023 News On 7
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     By: TJ Best
     For a moment, there was complete silence. The entire audience was listening, waiting for her next sentence. In the filled Tweed Library
     resource room, all eyes were on Charmaine Gagnon as she gracefully read us her poem.
     And for me, the attentiveness of the audience is what makes the monthly open mic events called First Tuesday Muse so special. We love
     our  listeners!  As  the  incumbent  emcee  and  coordinator,  it  is  this  supportive  atmosphere  that  I  hope  to  have  continued  from  First
     Tuesday’s first host, Peter Snell. You don’t have to be a poet to share a favourite piece by another author, and if you write prose instead
     of poetry, that’s welcome too.
     This  is  First  Tuesday  Muse’s  (FTM)  7th  year,  with  an  anniversary  this  month  [May].  The  legend  of  its  co-creation  with  Billy  Piton  is
     quickly becoming part of local lore. It took me too many years to finally make the trek to the previous venue in Tweed from where I was
     living in Corbyville at the time, but now that I’m a local, I’m happy to add another chapter to the story.
     As soon as I attended my first FTM open mic, I knew it was a space that a reader could feel comfortable in. Whether or not it was their
     first time at a microphone, Peter always made readers feel welcomed. I noted that he took notes in order to make an individualized
     comment after every reading, which is a tradition I have continued. Sometimes whimsical, often philosophical; it is two hours well-spent.
     Our recent gatherings on Saturdays in April, however, are hopefully going to be a new tradition. It was Charmaine’s idea, in fact, to
     gather at the Tweed Library for a special open mic. I thought that April would be an ideal time to choose, since April is National Poetry
     Month (NaPoMo, Then another “Muser”, or FTM regular, Sheila Stanley offered a space at the Ameliasburg Library and
     the Series was born.
     Our  regular  monthly  events  are  currently  located  at  the  fabulous  7/62  Craft  Brewery,  but  for  the  Series  we  collaborated  with  four
     different libraries in the Quinte region. We are grateful to our host libraries in Tweed, Ameliasburg, Stirling, and Madoc, as well as their
     respective  staff  and  Friends  groups.  Many  of  our  participants  are  from  rural  areas  and  small  towns,  where  there  are  limited  Arts
     opportunities. By having a space provided for First Tuesday Muse, we are able to give local writers a place to share their work and to find
     a very supportive audience.
     If this is an experience that interests you, or you have any questions about getting involved, please contact us through our Facebook
     page or

                                           DIANE  WOODWARD'S  VIBRANT  PAINTINGS  BRINGS  THE
                                           TOWN  OF  MADOC  TO  LIFE  IN  HER  CAPTIVATING  SOLO
                                           EXHIBITION, 'LOCAL COLOUR'."
     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Madoc, Ontario, Canada- April 23, 2023 –   Art on 62 Fine Art Gallery in Madoc, Ontario, is proud to present
     "Local Colour," a solo exhibition that showcases the exceptional talent of Diane Woodward, a gifted local artist. The exhibition will be
     held from May 6, 2023, to May 28, 2023, with the opening reception taking place on May 6 from 2-6 pm. The exhibit will be open to the
     public from Wednesday to Sunday, from noon to 5 pm. Diane will be present throughout the exhibition to provide a personal touch to
     the experience.
     "As  we  eagerly  anticipate  the  official  opening  of  our  gallery  on  June  22,  we  are  thrilled  to  showcase  the  exceptional  work  of  Diane
     Woodward as a prelude to this exciting event," remarked Cid Palacio, the gallery's owner. Diane is a versatile and accomplished local
     artist  whose  vibrant  and  distinctive  style  promises  to  captivate  our  audience.  We  invite  all  art  enthusiasts  to  come  and  enjoy  her
     inspiring creations."
     Diane  Woodward  calls  herself  an  “Excessful”  artist.  She  expresses  her  creativity  through  a  range  of  mediums,  including  painting,
     sculpture, icons, assembles, mittens, knitting, mask making glass-blowing, and furniture-making. Her love of colour and fearless use of
     red and pattern is evident in her bright, often mysterious, and humorous paintings of animals and people.
     Woodward has had over 50 solo exhibitions in Ontario and Québec, including 2 major shows at The Canadian Museum of Nature in
     Ottawa. Local Colour will feature many of Diane's new paintings, including a tribute piece dedicated to the late Dr. Godfrey, a beloved
     Local Hero who practiced medicine until COVID-19 forced him to retire at the age of 102.
     Diane's charitable contributions have spanned continents. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she made over 5,000 masks and generously
     gave them away. This summer, she plans to paint a mural outside the Madoc Food Bank and inside The Heart of Hastings Hospice.  For
     the past 15 years, Diane has included Ukrainian Easter Eggs in her paintings. When the war in Ukraine started, she painted them to help
     raise funds for John the Brewer of Churchkey in Campbellford to support his missions in Ukraine. To learn more about Diane Woodward,
     please visit her Instagram page at @dianewoodwardart, email her at, or call 613-473-4281.

     About ART on 62 Fine Art Gallery
     Art on 62 Fine Art Gallery is a contemporary art gallery opening officially on June 22, 2023. The gallery will feature a diverse collection of
     fine art pieces by emerging and established local and regional Canadian artists. The gallery is located in the heart of the charming village
     of Madoc, providing visitors with the perfect opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and discover the vibrant community
     that surrounds them.

     Contact: Cid Palacio
     Telephone:   416-763-8752
     Web site:
     To  learn  more  about  Diane  Woodward,  please  visit  her  Instagram  page  at  @dianewoodwardart,  email  her  at, or call 613-473-4281.
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