Page 8 - May 2023 News On 7
P. 8


                “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” Lao-Tzu

    To let go, first you must have a relationship with yourself. Does your belief in yourself rely on your name, where you live,
    your job title or what others think of you?
    If so, what happens when these things are taken away from you or truths are uncovered that you were trying to keep
    secret? Perhaps you are hiding behind the fear of change, forgetting that it was through your inquisitive nature as a child
    that you explored and learned new things. preconceived ideas, fears, and limitations. You only knew that you were here to
    learn, grow and to expand your awareness and were not yet burdened with fears and preconceived ideas of others. The
    limits you have in your life today are ones you have placed upon yourself.
    Every time you refuse to try something new, or even to step out of an uncomfortable situation you are holding yourself to
    the past.  Why do you choose to stop learning and trying new things? Perhaps you are clinging to the fears from yesterday
    and refusing to venture into unknown territory in which case you are being robbed of any joy you could be experiencing
    today.  Holding onto yesterday often goes hand in hand with worrying about the future as you resign to stay with what is &
    "known” to you.  This worry will stifle your desires and growth from manifesting in your life. Remember you become what
    you think!
    Allowing negative energies today to be part of your being will develop into the worry of the future and once there, not
    having lived your dreams will become the regrets and remorse of yesterday. Don’t let yourself be at the end of this life
    wondering, "what if, should have, could have, why didn't I".  The one thing worse than failure is never having tried and
    being filled with regrets.  Life is full of lessons just waiting for you to experience.
    The sooner you realize you have the control within yourself to break the chains of the past, the more open the doorway
    will be to endless possibilities. You have this time of “now” so live it to its fullest  potential. Try the  following  steps,  to
    become all you might be.
       Upon rising each day and before going to sleep each night give thanks for
       your many blessings.
       Take time to meditate if only for ten minutes a day.
       Bring joy into your life each day.
       Remember what you think is attracted to you. Be positive!
       Take time each day to be in nature.
       Know you are the creator of your reality. You are endless possibilities.
       Release grievances, remorse, regrets, anger, and hate. Forgive and love
       Do not worry about the future, find joy in today.


    McDougall  Insurance  and  Financial  has  acquired  an
    insurance  brokerage  in  the  Tweed  area.  Company  officials
    have  announced  that  they  have  merged  with  Rayburn
    Insurance Brokers Ltd as of April 1st.
    Rayburn Insurance Brokers Ltd. is a very successful broker
    operating  out  of  Tweed  and  has  a  history  dating  back  101
    Rayburn Insurance Brokers Ltd. employees will remain with
    the  organization  and  their  branch  office  location  will

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