Page 6 - News On 7 March 1, 2021
P. 6

CARESSANT CARE NURSING &                                        WE NEED YOUR HELP!
                  RETIREMENT HOME
                                                                 Memories Project: The Hastings County Historical
      Thank  you  to  The  Pentecostal  Church  in               Society has undertaken a new project to collect the
      Marmora  for  the  donation  of  Tim  Horton  Gift         memories  of  locals  through  written  submissions
      Cards  to  our  staff  as  they  work  through  the        (between 250-400 words or as long or short as you
      challenging times.                                         desire)  meant  to  preserve  stories  and  memories
      The Church has been                                        that would otherwise be lost to history. No topic is
      active in our home over                                    off-limits;  from  sports,  school,  politics,  or  home
      the years and their                                        life.
      generous contribution
      was very kind and much                                     All  stories  will  be  donated  to  the  Community
      appreciated.                                               Archives.  Some  stories  may  be  published  in  our
                                                                 newsletter,  the  Outlook.  We  hope  to  collect  2021
                                                                 stories.  Submissions should be accompanied by the
             BRUCE LEE HOUSE LEAGUE                              author's name, address, phone number and e-mail
                                                                 should permission for publishing be needed in the
                                                                 Outlook or in the future.
     Bruce  Lee  House  League  is  completing  this  year's     Please send via email at
     schedule  after  on  hold  for  8  weeks  due  to  Covid.
     The games start up again Thur Feb 18 and schedule
     will  continue  on  to  end  of  March  to  make  up  for
     lost  dates.  We  are  operating  under  pandemic
     restrictions this year which forces some drastic
     changes to our game.

     We  play  GO-GO  hockey  with  no  whistles  and  1
     minute  shifts  as  players  change  on  the  go  at  the
     buzzer. Very fast pace and players get the same ice
     time although crammed into a half hour time slot.
     Players  are  excited  to  get  back  at  it.  Games  are
     Thursday  evenings  with  5  games  played  between
     5:00 and 7:30.

     All Covid rules are followed. Registration at about                    NEW PASTOR FOR
     50  %  this  year  but  hopefully  we  can  return  to  ST. PETER’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN MADOC
     normal conditions next year.
     Harold/Karen Bailey                                  The congregation of St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Madoc
                                                          is  very  pleased  to  welcome  our  new  minister,  the  newly
                                                          ordained, Reverend Silvio Esteves.  It was particularly special
                                                          for the congregation to witness his ordination service at St.
     TWEED KIWANIS                                        Peter's on February 21,  2021.
                                                                                     Pastor Syl, his wife Betania and
     Kiwanis  Club  in  Tweed  recently  received  ribbons
     honoring  their  club  with  the  Eastern  Canada  and                          two sons Gabriel and Pedro are
     Caribbean  Division  11  Lieutenant  Governor  Award  (Q2                       moving  to  our  area  from
     and  Q4)  for  2020...COVID  restricted  their  in-person                       Montreal  where  he  attended
     delivery!    Thanks  to  Past  President  Chrisforan  for  his                  McGill   University   and   the
     leadership during that time!                                                    Presbytery  College  Montreal.
                                                                                     We look forward to acquainting
                                                                                     the  Esteves  with  our  church
                                                                                     family  and  our  community  and
                                                                                     trust that they will soon feel at
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