Page 35 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 35
STEP 4 - Color buildup for the muzzle
Step 4A: Fill in muzzle with medium pressure strokes and Jasmine PC 1012 then with Chocolate PC 1082 and then Sepia PC 948 using short vertical strokes going upward with medium pressure. Allow some of the background to show through. Lightly fill in bottom lip with Black PC 935 to mark placement.
Step 4B: Fill lines around lip and nostril lightly with Powder Blue PC 1087 for color placement. Apply the first layer of Black PC 935 with medium pressure using upward strokes on the muzzle. Blend it into the Sepia PC 948 area at the top of the muzzle. Reinforce Powder Blue PC 1087. Apply a second layer of Black PC 935, and highlight with Powder Blue PC 1087 around the lip by pulling strokes upwards. Reinforce the black area.
Step 4C: Pour about one (1) teaspoon OMS into the dish or jar lid and using the 1/4" angle shader, dip lightly into the OMS. Apply OMS lightly to the black muzzle to soften. Be careful not to smear the black into the Powder Blue PC 1087. Let dry. Add White PC 938 for the fine whiskers across the bottom using light to medium pressure and short strokes.
STEP 5 - Applying color to the leaves and stem
Stem: Using Sepia PC 948, make the stem one long, uneven stroke beginning on the right side. Repeat the stroke doubling the width of the stem. With Black PC 935, make an irregular line on the bottom side, skipping some areas. Highlight the top in some areas with White PC 938.
Leaves: Study the example. The steps progress from the two (2) leaves on the left to the three (3) leaves in the middle. The final step includes the last two (2) leaves.
Leaves 1 and 2: Place White PC 938 on the tips and top sides of the leaves. Draw the veins in with White PC 938. Apply Yellow Chartreuse PC 1004 just below the white blending the two. Apply Lime Peel PC 1005 over the leaf and veins using a scumbling motion, blending the Yellow Chartreuse PC 1004 into some white areas with medium to light pressure.
Leaves 3, 4 and 5: Leave some of the white showing. With Kelp Green PC 1090, shade along the center vein and on the underside of the white veins. Use Kelp Green PC 1090 to darken along the veins, bottom and lower sides of leaves, and bud.
Leaves 6 and 7: Use a tiny bit
of Cool Grey 90% 1067 to further darken each leaf where the center veins meet, along the bottom,
and the bud. Scumble lightly over the entire leaf. Use Lime Peel PC 1005 to blend colors, leaving some white showing. The small leaf in the middle is darker.
Bud: Apply White PC 938 to the tip. Fill in the center petal with Lime Peel PC 1005. Outline the two (2) side petals in Kelp Green PC 1090. Add a dot of Yellow Chartreuse PC 1004 in the center of one petal with a scumble. Shade bottom in Cool Grey 90% PC 1067.
4A 4B