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8. Which are the top colleges engineering      12. What are the entrance exams for                 Engineering FAQs
            students should opt for higher studies?        engineering after 12th?
            The IITs are obviously the best colleges for engineering   JEE Main is by far the most popular engineering
            in India. Other top institutions include BITS, NITs, VIT,   entrance exam in India covering the maximum number
            and IPU.                                       of engineering colleges. JEE Advanced is conducted
                                                           for admission to the prestigious IITs. Other popular
            9. What is the preparation needed to start a   entrance exams include BITSAT for admission to BITS
            B. Tech degree?                                institutions and VITEEE for admission to VIT.
            To start a B. Tech degree, a student first has to qualify
            for admission in an engineering college through an   13. Can one pursue engineering after
            entrance exam. Preparation for engineering should   completing B. Sc?
            ideally begin in Class 11 itself for engineering entrance   After B. Sc, students can pursue an M. Tech course,
            exams held usually after Class 12 board exams.   which is basically a masters in engineering.

            10. What are the best career options after     14. How can one complete B. Tech after a
            engineering?                                   three year diploma?
            There are many options available to students after they   There are many colleges across states in India which offer
            complete their engineering. Some of them are:   lateral entry to students who have completed three-year
            • MBA                                          diplomas. Admission through lateral entry is offered on
            • M.S from a university abroad                 the basis of entrance exams conducted by colleges.
            • M. Tech
            •  Civil Services/Defense/SSC/IES and other government   15. What are the options available for
              exams                                        engineering if a student gets low rank in JEE
            • Getting a job through on or off-campus placement  Main?
            • Entrepreneurship                             Getting a low JEE rank is not the end of the world!
                                                           There are many other engineering entrance exams
            11. What should I choose between               besides JEE Main such as VITEEE, SRMJEEE,
            Mathematics and Biology in Class XI?           BITSAT, and so on.
            To get admission to a B. Tech degree, studying mathematics
            during classes XI and XII is compulsory. Biology is   16. Can anyone apply for any state entrance
            compulsory for the medical field, but engineering aspirants   exams across the country?
            interested in biology can also opt for the same. For   No, a student from one state cannot sit for the
            some engineering branches like biotech and biomedical   entrance exam of a state-run engineering college of
            engineering, biology is a compulsory subject.   another state.

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