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25. Can a student from Assam/J&K/ 26. What is the photo ID proof that
Meghalaya choose a test centre outside his/ applicants outside India (PIO/OCI/NRI) may
her state? use to apply for JEE Main?
Yes, applicants from Assam/J&K/Meghalaya can choose Candidates outside India can use their passport to apply
a test centre anywhere in India. However, they have to for JEE Main.
make sure the details of their JEE Main application
form match that of their Class XII certificate/marksheet. Engineering FAQs
27. What is the JEE Main application fee?
JEE Main application fee is given in the table below. The payment can be done online through debit/credit card or
Exam Centre Outside India Exam Centre Outside India
Paper(s) Appearing
JEE Main Paper 1 Rs.650 (Boys) Rs.325(Boys) Rs.3000(Boys) Rs.1500(Boys)
(B.E./B. Tech) or
JEE(Main) Paper 2(B. Arch/B. Planning) Rs.325(Girls) Rs.325(Girls) Rs.1500(Girls) Rs.1500(Girls)
Both JEE Main Paper 1 (B.E./B. Tech) Rs.650(Girls) Rs.650(Girls) Rs.3000(Girls) Rs.3000(Girls)
& JEE(Main) Paper 2(B. Arch/B.
Planning) only Rs.1300(Boys) Rs.650(Boys) Rs.6000(Boys) Rs.3000(Boys)
28. If a student has made any mistake in 32. How can a student download the admit
filling the form, can he/she fill another card if he/she forgets the password?
application form or correct the mistakes? The password is needed to access a range of information
For JEE Main 2020, students will be allowed to such as admit card, answer key, and result. In case a stu-
correct the mistakes online by logging in with dent forgets his/her password, the student will have to click
their application number and password for the on “Forgot Password” link and follow the following steps -
January Exam. Students should never fill another • Answer security question chosen during registration.
application form as option to edit details is made • Enter registration code sent to registered mobile
available online. number.
• Reset password with password reset link sent to
29. How should a student make corrections registered email ID.
in the images he/she uploaded?
The images uploaded can be changed and re-uploaded 33. How many exam centers should a
by logging into the JEE Main online portal and student choose?
choosing the edit option to change image and any other Students have to select four exam centers in order of
registration detail. preference during registration.
30. Should a student send the JEE 34. Does a student need to carry any ID
application form & other documents to any proof during the exam?
authorities? Yes, students need to carry the following documents with
No, there is no need to send the application form themselves along with the admit card-
anywhere. The form only has to be submitted online. • 1-passport sized photograph which will be pasted on
the attendance sheet (the photo should be same as the
31. If a student has done 10+2 from NIOS, one uploaded while filling the application form).
what should he mention in his school • Photo ID-Proof in original. It can be any of these-
details? PAN Card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/
NIOS students are required to provide details of their Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ Aadhaar Enrolment
marks, passing year, affiliated board, and school name No/ Ration Card or other government issued ID.
for Class X and XII exam while applying for JEE • PwD certificate issued by the Recognized Authority in
Main. case of differently abled student.
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