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aggregate of 75% in Class XII board examination (65%
for SC/ST Category) or belong to the top 20 percentile
of their respective board.
11. What should be the state of eligibility
of a student to be eligible under home state
quota for NITs?
To come under home state quota, the state of eligibility Engineering FAQs
will be the same as the state in which the NIT is located.
For example, if a student is getting admission through
home state quota in NIT Trichy, then he/she must
have given Class XII board or equivalent qualifying
examination from Tamil Nadu.
12. If a student is dyslexic, will he/she
6. If a student doesn’t have 75% in class XII, be considered in PWD Category? What
can he/she apply for JEE Main? documents are necessary to submitted?
A student can apply for JEE Main if his/her percentage Yes, dyslexic students are considered in PWD Category.
is lower than 75%. However, NITs and other CFTIs only The necessary documents to be submitted are application
offer admission to students with over 75% in qualifying for obtaining disability certificate, disability certificate,
exam or those who belong in the top 20 percentile of and category certificate.
their respective board exam. For admission in B. Arch or These documents have to be signed by the designated
B. Planning, only performance in Paper II is considered. authorities to be deemed valid.
7. Can a diploma student apply for JEE Main 13. If a student has completed class XII and
Examination? ReviewAdda.Com
has dropped a year for preparation of JEE
Diploma students can apply for JEE Main, but only as a Main, will it affect the admission process?
way to appear next for JEE Advanced. They cannot use No. If the eligibility criteria set by NTA regarding
their JEE Main score to apply for admission to NITs or minimum marks and subjects required is met, any student
other CFTIs (Centrally Funded Technical Institutes). By can apply for admission through JEE Main score.
clearing JEE Advanced, they can apply for admission to
IITs. Diploma holders cannot apply for B. Arch and B. 14. If a student has failed in 12th but has
Planning admissions either through JEE Main. appeared for the examination again, can he/
she apply for JEE Main?
8. Who can apply for admission to the IITs? Yes, but it depends on the year of appearing for Class
To apply for IIT admission, students have to first clear XII exam. If a student has appeared for Class XII exam
JEE Advanced. To apply for JEE Advanced, students in or before 2017 and failed, he/she is not eligible.
should have cleared JEE Main exam and been amongst Students who appeared in 2018 and onwards can apply
the top 2,24,000 rank holders. Additionally, students for JEE Main exam if they are appearing or have passed
should also have an aggregate of 75% in Class XII all their subjects in Class XII board exams.
board exams (65% for SC/ST/DA).
15. If a student takes a gap year after class
9. What will be the state of eligibility of a X, can he/she apply for JEE Main?
student for JEE Main? Yes, a student can apply for JEE Main after taking
The state from which students complete their Class XII a gap year after class X. He/she should either be
board or equivalent qualifying examination will be their appearing or should have passed class XII board exams.
state of eligibility for JEE Main.
16. If a student is appearing for Physics,
10. Who can apply for admission to the NITs Chemistry and Biology in Class XII exams,
and IIITs? can he/she apply for JEE Main?
To apply to the NITs and IIITs for admission, students No, as mathematics is necessary to appear for any JEE
should have cleared JEE Main and secured either an Main exam.
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