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Engineering FAQs
35. Who can a student ask for help in filling Syllabus
JEE Main application form?
Student can contact Common Service Centers for any 37. What is the syllabus of JEE Main Paper 1?
issues regarding application form filling. The list of the JEE Main syllabus for Paper I is -
Common Services Centers is accessible on the following Mathematics - Sets, Relations and Functions,
link- Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations,
SRM University ReviewAdda.Com
Matrices and Determinants, Mathematical
36. Which exams are held for admission to Reasoning, Mathematical Induction, Permutations
VIT, SRM, LPU, and BITS? When are these and Combinations, Sequences and Series, Limit,
exams held? Continuity and Differentiability, Integral Calculus,
Students should ideally apply for multiple engineering Differential Equations, Binomial Theorem and Its
entrance exams to make sure they have ample options Simple Applications, Three Dimensional Geometry,
to choose from once the results come in. Admission to Vector Algebra, Co-Ordinate Geometry, Statistics and
VIT, SRM, LPU, and BITS is conducted through private Probability, and Trigonometry.
engineering entrance exams held during the months of
April and May. Physics - Physics and Measurement, Kinematics,
Thermodynamics, Work, Energy and Power,
University Exam Rotational Motion, Gravitation, Laws of Motion,
Properties of Solids and Liquids, Electronic Devices,
Vellore Institute of Technology VIT Engineering Entrance Kinetic Theory of Gases, Oscillations and Waves,
(VIT) Exam (VITEEE) Communication Systems, Current Electricity,
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism,
Birla Institute of Technology BITS Admission Test (BITSAT) Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents,
and Science (BITS) Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual Nature of
Matter and Radiation, Electrostatics, and Atoms
and Nuclei.
SRM Joint Engineering
Entrance Exam (SRMJEEE)
Chemistry - Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry,
States Of Matter, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding
Lovely Professional University LPU National Entrance and
(LPU) Scholarship Test (LPU NEST) And Molecular Structure, Chemical Thermodynamics,
Solutions, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions and
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