Page 11 - Pre-Approval Folder
P. 11

Mortgage Glossary

     Mortgage                                               Homeowner's insurance
     A legal document between a mortgagor and a             Insurance that protects the value of the home for both
     mortgagee that establishes a home and/or prop-         lender and borrower. Homeowner’s insurance typical-
     erty as security for a home loan.                      ly covers the cost of replacing the home and various
                                                            parts of the same. Most mortgage lenders require
     Credit score                                           borrowers to carry a term of insurance.
     A single numerical score, based on an individu-
     al's credit history, that measures that individual's    Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)
     credit worthiness.                                      A mortgage loan with an interest rate subject to
                                                             change over the term of the loan. The interest rate is
     Debt-To-Income Ratio                                    tied to the performance of a specified market rate.
     A personal finance measure that compares an             Home inspection
     individual’s debt payment to his or her overall in-     A comprehensive and exhaustive examination of a
                                                             home by a licensed inspector. Often required as part of
     Down Payment                                            a mortgage and home loan process.
     Is the amount of the purchase price that the buy-        Appraisal
     er is paying. Generally, lenders require a specific      A written estimate of a property's current market value
     down payment in order to qualify
                                                              prepared by an appraiser. An estimate of the value of

     Rate lock                                                a piece of property as of a certain date.
     A short-term agreement by a lender to “hold” a
     certain interest rate on a home loan while the           Underwriter
     buyer negotiates a sale transaction.                     Individual who evaluates a loan application to deter-
                                                              mine its risk level for a lender or investor; final deci-
     Title Insurance                                          sion maker on a loan application
     Insurance that indemnifies against losses resulting
     from undiscovered title defects and encumbrances
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