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P. 3

16-year-old German immigrant Jacob                                          several other Island speculators had for
      Anthes. (The property, located a little                                     building a railroad that would stretch
      north of Langley was later sold to  Eli-                                    from Chicago (a proposed town at the
      za Strawbridge.) When Anthes turned                                         Keystone  Ferry area)  all  the  way to
      21  in  1886,  he  filed  for  a  160-acre                                  a  trestle from  North  Whidbey to  La-
      homestead claim plus timber patents,                                        Conner, and then to Sedro-Wooley. Of
      and platted the land for a new town of                                      course, that never happened.
      Langley in 1890 (recorded in 1891).                                           Another article mentioned that Phin-
                                                                                  ney and several associates were seek-
      A Close Brush With Death                                                    ing investment to start a weekly Island
        John Phinney settled on South                                             newspaper in 1891. It became the Is-
      Whidbey  at  Port  George  about  two                                       land County Times and was published
      years after his brother Arthur’s death.                                     in Coupeville from 1891 until 1959.
        In  April 1882, he accidentally shot                                        John’s brother, James, now a father
      himself in the groin and had a telegram                                     of two, died at age 58 when he tripped
      sent to Seattle asking for a surgeon to                                     while getting dressed and fell hard
      come to Whidby to extract the bullet.                                       against  the edge of his baby’s crib,
        According to a Seattle P-I article John                                   leading to massive internal bleeding.
      was standing in a boat when he decided   The Seattle P-I, April 10, 1891      Neither  John, James, nor even  Ar-
      to shoot a seal and grabbed a rifle which   a place on the mail route to Whatcom,   thur,  were  the  most  well-known  of
      discharged, sending a bullet  into his   when Phinney will be fully prepared to   the Nova Scotia Phinney clan to find
      groin. Dr. Frank Kendrick from Seattle   blossom out as a town proprietor.”  success out west. That honor went to
      removed it the next day.                Phinney became postmaster in 1884   a  younger  first  cousin,  Guy  Carleton
                                            and a mail boat made a thrice-weekly   Phinney, (known as the builder  of
                                            stop. By contrast, Langley’s first wharf   Woodland Park and Phinney Ridge).
                                            would not be built until 1889.        He came to Seattle in 1881, and had a
                                              Phinney soon tired of postal duties,   rags to riches story, facilitated in part
                                                                                  by John himself.
                                            and in 1885 the post office was moved
                                            up to Clinton and was known as the      John is quoted in the January 5, 1891
                                            Phinney-Clinton Post Office.          article (below) as stating that his cousin
                                              Edward Hinman became the post-      Guy was homesick and asked for $200
                                                                                  to return back east, but  in lieu of a loan,
                                            master and had embarked upon his own
                                            dream of building a town with a store,
        Two months later, Phinney and Dr.   hotel, church and wharf.  After John
      Kendrick had an altercation in a Se-  Phinney’s death in 1895, ‘Phinney’ was
      attle  hotel  bar, when Phinney  struck   dropped from the post office’s name.
      the doctor and called him a thief. Dr.
      Kendrick went up to his room, returned   An April 10, 1891 Seattle P-I article
      with a heavy cane, and pummeled       outlined the dreams that Phinney and
      Phinney  repeatedly  on  the  head.
      A jury found for Phinney, but the
      judge only fined Dr. Kendrick five
      dollars and suturing costs owing to
      Phinney’s provocation.
        A mention about John and de-
      signs for  his namesake  town of
      Phinney were in the December 14,
      1883 Seattle P-I as follows: “John
      G. Phinney has not only a big body
      of land and a logging camp at Port
      George, on Whidby Island, but he
      has a wharf, and now has wood and
      water to sell to steamboats. The next
      thing to get there is a post office and
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