Page 7 - 2022 SWHS Spring Newsletter for website
P. 7

South Whidbey Historical Society

          Membership Form

           Keep our remarkable local history alive for future generations.

           Become a member or renew your annual membership.

           Fill in the information below and mail it along with a check to:
           South Whidbey Historical Society / PO Box 612 / Langley WA 98260.

           You may also join or renew online at our website at:


           Address_______________________________ City, State, & Zip_____________________________

           Telephone________________________   Email__________________________________________

           Enclosed are my annual membership dues:

           r Individual ($20)       r Household ($30)     r Business ($55)        r Lifetime ($300 or more)

           My Donation:  (SWHS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit)

           r Enclosed is a donation of $___________       r Send me information on how to include a
                                                                                                   legacy gift in my will.

        Thanks to Whidbey Telecom for sponsoring this issue

          The need to stay connected while      Whidbey Telecom also provides res-
        living  and working on South  Whid-   idential and commercial security and
        bey is longstanding. As early as 1893,   alarms installation plus monitoring and
        Langley town founder Jacob  Anthes    has  a  UL  Certified  monitoring  center
        installed the first telephone to connect   staffed 24/7, in Langley, Washington.   their customers.
        his store with the Langley dock.      Whidbey Telecom has been recognized     Whidbey  Telecom  is using ReCon-
          Whidby Telephone Company was in-    by NTCA, The Rural Broadband Asso-    nect  grants to deploy  The  BiG  GiG
        corporated April 11, 1908. (The spell-  ciation, as Gig Certified and a Smart   Fiber Network, a fiber-to-the-premises
        ing was updated to Whidbey in 1953.)    Connected Community.                network to connect underserved res-
          Innovation and outstanding local cus-  In October 2020, Whidbey Telecom   idents and businesses to high-speed
        tomer service and support continue to   became only the second recipient of a   broadband internet in South Whidbey
        be the daily goal at Whidbey Telecom,   USDA ReConnect grant in WA state.   and Point Roberts, WA.
        according to CEO George Henny.          In addition,  USDA  Washington        We  thank Whidbey Telecom  for
          Whidbey Telecom provides Internet,   State Director for Rural Development   sponsoring this newsletter.
        WiFi, telephone service, and website   presented Whidbey Telecom  with        If you would like to sponsor a future
        hosting to the service areas of South   the  Washington State  Infrastructure   issue of Now and Then, contact Board
        Whidbey Island, Point Roberts, and    Award of Excellence for their efforts   President Bill Haroldson at SWHMuse-
        Hat Island, WA.                       to provide high-speed  broadband to or at (360) 221-2101.
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