Page 4 - 2022 SWHS Spring Newsletter for website
P. 4

John offered him help if he would stay.   investigation proved fruitless. At first it   TO SEARCH FOR JOHN G. PHINNEY
          Guy stayed, and with his keen mind,   was feared he drowned, but that gave                ---
        soon became prosperous in real estate,   way to the suspicion that he was mur-  Detectives on the Trail -- Reason to
        land  development,  a  lumber  mill,  in-  dered and his house burned to remove       Suspect Foul Play
        surance  and  banking.  When  he died   any traces. His body was never found.   There are no new developments in re-
        in 1893, Guy’s estate was worth more                                        gard to the disappearance of John G. Phin-
        than $500,000.                        After John Phinney’s Disappearance    ney, and his friends have sent Detective
                                                                                    Ed Cudihee, of this city, and the sheriff
          John, who was now in his 50s built    Some  44  years  later,  Denny  Thor-  of Island County to investigate his disap-
        up both the logging camp and real es-  sheim who lived at the old Phinney site   pearance.
                                                                                      It is the general opinion among the resi-
        tate  operations at Phinney, owned a   was visited by a friend from Portland   dents of the island that foul play has been
        ranch in Coupeville,  represented Is-  who knew the ranch hand. According   practiced.  The  only  man  that  saw  him
        land County on the Washington State   to Thorsheim, this man admitted that   leave the island in the rowboat, or claims
        World's Fair Association, served on the   he had indeed killed Phinney in a fight   that  he  saw  him,  has  been  employed  by
                                                                                    Mr. Phinney as a ranch hand for the past
        State Board of Immigration, and was   and  disposed  of  his  body,  though  he   two months. This man is a stranger to ev-
        also on the State Board of Commerce.  declined to say where.                eryone on the islands, and most everyone
          Then on February 19, 1895 he simply   John Phinney had no heirs, no will,   believes he is connected with Mr. Phin-
        disappeared.                          and his property at Phinney was left   ney's disappearance. They claim that the
                                                                                    burning of the house and the disappear-
          According to a ranch hand, he was   idle for several years. A 44-acre water-  ance of the  proprietor  so  soon afterward
        last seen boarding a skiff in bad weath-  font tract was sold in 1906 to A. J. Mc-  are almost conclusive proof that foul play
        er with a stranger, something that was   Milllan at public auction for back taxes   has been done, and some go so far as to say
        out of character with the way he trav-  of  $38.64  plus  administrative  fees  of   that they believe Mr. Phinney was mur-
                                                                                   dered, and in order to cover up the tracks,
        eled.  Search  parties  and  a  detective’s   $24.75.                      the house was burned.
                                                Columbia Beach changed from a
         JOHN G. PHINNEY IS MISSING           summer fishing camp of the Snohom-    March 17, 1895 Seattle-PI article.
                                              ish Tribe, to a logging camp and fledg-
           Left His Ranch in a Small Boat     ling town. Shortly after  WWI, it be-
               and Has Not Returned           came the site where South Whidbey’s   Chase. After a fire destroyed the boat-

          John G. Phinney, of Phinney, on Whidby   first  car  ferries  were  built  by  Willis   house, the resort was broken up into
        Island, has been mysteriously missing for   Nearhoff. His Whidbey I was the first   private lots for cottages and houses
        two weeks and there are circumstances
        about his disappearance which cause   automobile ferry to cross from Phinney   The land which was initially ac-
        his neighbors to suspect either that foul   to Mukilteo in 1919.            quired by a timber land grant in 1864,
        play or an accident has befallen him.   In 1946 and the property became Jim   then purchased in 1878 for less than
          Mr. Phinney, who is a well-to-do bache-  and  John's Fishing  Resort  until  1963   a dollar on acre by John Phinney, is
        lor farmer of about 50 years, lost his house
        by fire on the morning of February 28, and   when it was sold to Barbara and Les   worth millions today.
        later in the day was seen by his hired man
        to leave the place in a small boat with a
        strange man, but the hired man did not
        know where he was going. That was the
        last time he was seen, and he does not ap-  Consider joining our Board...
        pear to have returned to Whidby Island,
        for some goods which wered shipped to
        Clinton for him about two weeks ago have   Love local history? Perhaps you are   Email Board President, Bill Harold-
        not been called for.  His making a trip in   descended from one of the south end’s   son at and
        a small boat is considered strange, as he   early families and would like to con-  mention a convenient time to call.
        was not in the habit of traveling on any   tinue a legacy of community building.
        craft but steamers. When in the city he                                       The Board meets once a month at
        usually stops at the Butler hotel, but he   Or maybe  you are  new to  South   either Langley or Freeland.
        has not been seen there in a month.   Whidbey and wish to get involved with
          Mr. Phinney is a brother-in-law of Capt.   your new community while
        F. J. Burns, of this city, and a brother of   working toward common
        the former superintendent of the Ludlow
        mills. A party of his friends will leave this   goals  of preserving  and
        morning on the steamer Idaho to search   sharing our local heritage.
        for him.                                The South Whidbey His-
                                              torical Society invites you
        March 14, 1895 Seattle-PI article. Note:   to learn more about serv-
        John Phinney was actually age 63 when   ing on our Board.
        he disappeared.
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