Page 8 - 2022 SWHS Spring Newsletter for website
P. 8

South Whidbey Historical Society
        PO Box 612
        Langley WA 98260

        A Kid’s Day at Mutiny Bay in the Early 1950s

        Written by Bob Boswell
          My folks  bought  a  lot overlooking
        Mutiny Bay in the summer of 1951.
        The family had recently spent a week at
        Chet Holt’s Mutiny Bay Resort. I was 12
        years old going on 13 in late summer.
          It was a fantastic week. I was allowed   families had kids of teen and pre-teen   the rigs of choice for the trollers. Cut
        to take the boat out by myself if I could   age. Life revolved around “the beach”   herring was the choice of the spin fisher-
        start the outboard motor. It was a 4.2 hp   and Robinson’s Resort.          men. And if the humpies were in, it was
        Champion with a recoil starter mounted   A  summer  day  started  with  fishing   not uncommon to get your limit.
        at the bottom of the powerhead. I did it.   with your dad in the morning.    If you had more salmon than you
          When my dad became aware of a         There were two  options: launching   knew what to do with, you might have
        small development near Robinson’s Re-  your boat from Robinson’s marine rail-  taken it to the Harbor Custom Cannery
        sort that opened up, he jumped at having   way or having shore-anchored your boat   in Freeland and had it canned. When fin-
        his own spot on Whidbey Island. Fish-  the night before.                    ished you might again shore anchor or
        ing was in his blood, and $600 dollars   This required a knowledge of the tides,   be hauled up on the marine railway. And
        was something he felt he could afford.   an anchor with the proper length to ac-  then  up  the  hill  after  cleaning  the  fish
          That fall, weekends were spent clear-  count for the depth and tide, and a shore   and breakfast.
        ing out the brush. Come spring he built   line long enough so that you could push    In the afternoon, we kids would bot-
        a 14 x 20 foot platform and frame struc-  your boat out into deep water.    tom fish. We’d anchor or drift with the
        ture and mounted a 14 X 14 surplus army   The line was attached to the crown of   currents. Sole, flounder and a rare cod
        tent. Other lots had also been purchased,   the anchor such that it would not inter-  were our rewards, but often we had to
        tents put up and small structures built.   fere with the flukes digging into the sea   deal with a dogfish. Other catches were
          Nothing was intended as a full-time   floor. When the boat drifted as far out as   skates, ratfish and a sea cucumber. When
        residence. No water, no electricity and   necessary, a jerk on the shore line pulled   we tired of that we played on the beach.
        two ruts for a road. And many of these   the anchor off the bow and the tidal cur-  Evenings were another set of adven-
                                              rent set the anchor. The other end was   tures.  We  might  fish  with  the  parents,
                                              securely attached on shore.           or sit on the resort bulkhead and fish for
                                                In the morning you simply pulled the   bullheads. About 8 p.m., the Seattle-Vic-
                                              boat to the beach, hopped in and start-  toria steamship  Princess  Marguerite
                                              ed fishing as soon as the water was deep   would come down the channel creating
                                              enough. If the fish were in, it was almost   large waves that the kids would play in
                                              wall to wall boats.                   and create havoc for the boaters who
                                                Two local kids operated a bait raft that   were trying to take care of their boats.
                                              supplied fresh herring to the fishermen.   Finally it was back up the hill, into bed,
                                              Dodger and herring or candlefish were   eagerly awaiting a repeat the next day.
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