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manager to never lose insight, remaining focused on the targets and prospective
obstacles which are not foreseen by anyone, and then make the workers aware
of the required tasks by connecting with them on a level that they resonate with,
explaining them how that goal can be achieved from those particular tasks.
It may look very fascinating at this point. However, in reality a manager does
not get credit for his job very often. His behaviour is responsible for how well
he is accepted amongst the people he is managing. A manager should have the
basic skills of the job, but he is not there to actually carry out the work process.
Instead he is there to make sure that the work that is done gathers the value that
it stands for. A manager’s job is to make sure that the business performs at its
optimum and everybody in the process gets benefited – the clients are satisfied
and the staff are not complaining.
There are some behavioural techniques a prospective manager can put to use –
☛ Initially the new employees can be given tasks that can be rectified in case of
mistakes. This gives the manager a chance to gauge the strengths and weak-
nesses of the individuals and he can assign tasks pertaining to that in future.
☛ A manager must be a motivator and a mediator who ensures a neutral and
positive environment at the work place.
☛ A manager is must be far from favouritism. The only priority for the
manager should be the performance of the organisation.
☛ A manager should always hold his value as the supreme. Jovial attitude
suits a manager while a thorough polite behaviour can sometimes backfire
in case there are clear contradictions on the employee’s part.
☛ Communication skills, ability to ask questions and responding to the
feedback – these are all important for a manager in the long run. A manager
cannot afford to hesitate, while he is required to be humble enough at
the same time, so that he is capable of applauding the hard work of the
employees, encouraging them to better their performances.
☛ An effective manager is able to envision exactly where the contributions
of each of the employees would ultimately lead to.
The takeaway
A perfect manager acquires all the required skills from practising in his work environment
his leadership qualities as well as creating a vision about the future prospects of the present
persistent conditions, with an eye searching for the possible rectification that can be introduced
to further enhance the performance of their company. A perfect manager is objective as opposed
to biased, adaptive as opposed to rigid, and positive as opposed to sulky.
Learn Easy ♦ July 2018 11