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aware that negative manifestations,
          like physical exhaustion or substance
          use, may surface. This phase can last
          months to years, and we need to be
          diligent in supporting each other.                                                 Board of  Ethics
                                                                                             Michael Romain, MD, Chair
              May 9 has also been identified as                                              Kimberly Carter, MD
          Fentanyl Awareness Day, as fentanyl       Executive Board                          Aileen Ebadat, MD
                                                    Jonathan E. MacClements, MD  – President
                                                                                             Jeffrey D. McNeil, MD
          overdoses have become a major             Tina J. Philip, DO  – President-Elect    Brian Metzger, MD
          public health problem. According          Scott W. Clitheroe, MD  – Immediate Past President  Stanley S. Wang, MD, JD, MPH
                                                    Hillary Miller, MD – Secretary-Treasurer
          to the US Drug Enforcement                Alinda Cox, MD, Member-at-Large
          Administration (DEA), fentanyl is         Maria Claire Monge, MD, Member-at-Large  TMA Secretary/Treasurer
                                                                                            Michelle A. Berger, MD
                                                    Holli Sadler, MD, Member-at-Large
          involved in more deaths among             Ricardo Solis, MD, Member-at-Large
          people under 50 than cancer, heart        J. Stuart Wolf, Jr., MD, Member-at-Large  Delegate to AMA
          disease, suicide, homicide, and           Belda Zamora, MD, Member-at-Large       Michelle A. Berger, MD
                                                    Michael Romain, MD, Chair, Board of Ethics
          accidents. This is truly a national crisis!  Esther Cheung-Phillips, MD, Delegation Representative  Alternate Delegate to AMA
              Finally, physicians need to be                                                Kimberly Avila Edwards, MD
                                                                                            Robert Emmick, MD
          aware of a new, one-time DEA-
          mandated requirement of eight               Delegates to TMA                   Alternate Delegates to TMA
          hours training on the treatment and         Alex Alvarez, MD                   Shannon Abikhaled, MD
          management of patients with opioid          Tony Aventa, MD – Chair            Maneesh Amancharla, MD
                                                                                         Sarah Avery, MD
          or other substance use disorders.           Kimberly Avila Edwards, MD         Nabanita Basu, MD
                                                      Ira Bell, MD
          Physicians who register or renew            Michelle Berger, MD – Vice Chair   Nancy Binford, MD
          their registration for a DEA license        Maya Bledsoe, MD                   Anna Buteau, MD
                                                                                         Kimberly Carter, MD
                                                      Esther Cheung-Phillips, MD – Board Rep
          will face this new requirement as of        Scott Clitheroe, MD                Goddy Corpuz, MD
          June 27. DEA registration is                Rob Cowan, MD                      Lauren Crawford, MD
                                                                                         Chad Dieterichs, MD
                                                      Antonia Davidson, MD
          renewable every three years, so that        Robert Emmick, MD                  Debra Dollar, MD
          still gives many already-registered         James Eskew, MD                    Susan Dubois, MD
                                                                                         Kristen Hawthorne, MD
                                                      Colby Evans, MD
          physicians time to meet the requirement.    Katharina Hathaway, MD             Anupama Kapadia, MD
          TCMS is working with the TMA to             Andy Joshi, MD                     Alison Kartush, MD
                                                                                         Judy Kim, MD
          provide resources to help                   Jeffrey Kahn, MD                   Sunil Kolli, MD
                                                      Thomas Kim, MD
          members meet this requirement–              Megan Kressin, MD                  Sonia Krishna, MD
          more to come.                               Craig Kuhns, MD                    Pradeep Kumar, MD
                                                                                         Carlos-Nicholas Nick Lee
                                                      Paraag Kumar, MD
              With summer approaching, I              Daniel Leeman, MD                  Steven McKinley, MD
          look forward to seeing you at               Jonathan MacClements, MD           Maria Monge, MD
                                                                                         Damodaran Narayanan, MD
                                                      Hillary Miller, MD
          upcoming TCMS events. In the                Celia Neavel, MD                   Hemali Patel, MD
          meantime, let’s enjoy the wildflowers       Michelle Owens, DO                 Tina Philip, DO
                                                                                         Elisabeth Potter, MD
                                                      Jack Pierce, MD
          while we can.                               Fara Ranjbaran, MD                 Pooja Pundhir, MD
                                                      Dora Salazar, MD                   Roxanna Rhodes, MD
                                                      Sarah Smiley, DO                   Mary Ann Rodriguez, MD
                                                      Lynn Stewart, MD                   Holli Sadler, MD
                                                      Brian Temple, MD                   Garrett Scales, MD
                                                      David Tobey, MD                    Alan Schalscha, DO
                                                      Zoltan Trizna, MD, PhD             Arathi Shah, MD
                                                      Elizabeth Troung, MD               Shaina Sheppard, MD
                                                      Stephanie Vertrees, MD             Ricardo Solis, MD
          Jonathan MacClements, MD                    John Villacis, MD                  Deepa Varshney, MD
                                                                                         Daniel Walk, MD
                                                      Stanley Wang, MD
          TCMS President                              Belda Zamora, MD                   Chad Whited, MD
                          Guadalupe “Pete” Zamora, MD        Stuart Wolf, MD
                                                      Jay Zdunek, MD

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