Page 4 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 8 14th August @ RMYS
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A call had to go out to the RMYS Sail Training people to hold off on their radio based mark laying efforts. We held off making this call
        figuring the radio calls couldn’t last that long. Wrong.

        How the Race 8 fleet went.

         As we manage our own Top Yacht results the two passes by the fleet of the race management tower was an opportunity to do a lap by
        lap corrected time performance comparison.  The two sets of the race 8 corrected times are displayed on the adjacent page.

        Both sets of corrected time numbers show tight numbers across the fleet.  Although these corrected time numbers were tight they still
        played a role in determining the final minor points score for the race.

        Post race comments received indicate non stop tactical decisions were being made throughout the race. The photo’s included in this race
        8 wrap up show it was non stop concentration throughout the race.

        The handicappers thesis on shaky ground.

        While the thesis of your handicapper says we use racing as a structured process to use our classic’s that’s why we don’t get too upset
        when races are cancelled. This thesis is sure put under pressure when watching the performance of the classic fleet during race 8 as they
        raced as they once did in they fleet leader heyday many years ago.

        While watching our classic go at it hard we need occasional reminding on fleet racing behaviour.

        Behaviour at the start line.

        We all know windward boat must keep clear at the start line this means boats coming into the line other than those beating to weather
        have no rights. Sure we let them through for collision avoidance reasons but the flow on effects imperil those boats beating to windward
        as they have nowhere to go but down and cop abuse from the boats below them.

        Classic’s and speed (lack of) after a tack.

        We’re all aware that while our boats are slow to get going after a tack they still go fast. Meaning a close by approaching classic because
        it’s going well will be required to take avoiding action when a classic ahead throws a tack close to their lay line. That’s if the
        approaching classic maintains a good lookout.  Never assume this is happening. As previously said , we all aware of this feature of
        classic yacht racing but memory of this detail sometimes goes out the window when making a tacking judgement call. So once again
        repeat after me “classic’s are slow get going after a tack”.  Watching the time it took to trim the head sail on most classics after the two
        rounding of RMYS E Mark during race 8 re-inforce this comment. This feature of classic yachting is why we don’t conduct our classic
        races in waters where light displacement yacht racing is being conducted, ie Saturdays.
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