Page 9 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 8 14th August @ RMYS
P. 9

Now to our last race of the Winter Series

        We’re all set for 28  August. RYCV has their committee tuned up to see the pursuit start fleet off at 10:00am. The start area
        will be somewhere close to the Kerford Road pier. It’s all about try to give the fleet a windward beat to the first mark and a
        beat to the finish line using the RMYS marks.

        More details about this race will be published next week. We’ll examine the recent performance of the fleet to determine the
        Race 9 pursuit start time of each entrant. Fun time for the handicapper.

                                 The big news so far for this race will be the start line
                                 appearance of Aunty Jack. She;s an idential design of
                                 the Sopranino. The boat whose sail across the Atlantic
                                 started the JOG class. The Sopranino wasn’t allowed
                                 to race due to being not long enough. So she was sailed
                                 behind the fleet. The Cowes Classic Boat Maritime
                                 Museum have the original Sopranino on permanent
                                 display in recognition of it’s contribution to yachting.
                                 We have our Soporanino museum piece in the form of
                                 Aunty Jack once again actively racing with us. The
                                 addition of the Aunty Jack to the CYAA register is critical to the CYAA sustaining it’s mission of
                                 preserving classic yachts that have contributed to Australia’s  rich maritime history.

        Post winter series celebrations

        After the 28  August race there will be a post series function supported by the CYAA at
        the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron. More details about the event will be published
        soon. This event will see the launch of our 2022/2023 Summer Series and out 2022
        Cup Regatta.

        According to the handicappers ears there’s movement afoot by certain members to
        celebrate some loser crashing through an 80 year old wall. Maybe that event in itself is
        a worthwhile reason for showing up. Now who could that be?

        Best finish up. Take a look at the Race 8 pics provided by our three roving reporters. As
        the Daily Mail night beat reporter Randy Stone “Copy boy” so must your
        handicapper. Regards to all Peter Costolloe CYAA (Vic) Handicapper                                                                                  Page 9
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